Author: nathanrice Related WordPress Plugins

Simple URLs

Simple URLs is a complete URL management system that allows you create, manage, and track outbound links from your site by using custom post types and 301 redirects. It adds a new custom post type to your Admin menu, where you can create, edit, delete, and manage URLs. It stores click counts in the.........

Genesis Simple Share

Genesis Simple Share is created to be simple and easy to use within your Genesis child theme. We have tried to focus on making default options and initial setup a breeze. The default settings should automatically enable the share icons on posts. You may wish to make some changes so in your WordPres.........

SEO Data Transporter

This plugin allows you to transfer your inputs SEO data from one theme/plugin to another. We all know how difficult it can be to switch themes or dump plugins. The fact that themes and plugins store their inputs SEO data differently makes it even harder. This plugin remedies that. Just choose what .........

Genesis Simple Edits

This plugin creates a new Genesis settings page that allows you to modify the post-info (byline), post-meta, and footer area on any Genesis theme. Using text, shortcodes, and HTML in the textboxes provided in the admin screen, these three commonly modified areas are easily editable, without having t.........

Genesis Responsive Slider

This plugin allows you to create a simple responsive slider that displays the featured image, along with the title and excerpt from each post. It includes options for the maximum dimensions of your slideshow, allows you to choose to display posts or pages, what category to pull from, and even the s.........

Social Circles

A simple widget that allows you to place links to your social media accounts. Instead of icons, each link is a circle using text (in various fonts) to indicate the site being linked to....


Scribe is a professional content marketing application designed for online content creators. Developed by Copyblogger Media , Scribe makes it easy to conduct in-depth research that helping writers and content producers to quickly identify content marketing opportunities for search and social media .........

Social Profiles Widget

By simply dragging this widget into your sidebar or any widgetized area, you can easily place icon links to your various social profiles like twitter, facebook, flickr, etc....

Genesis Simple Hooks

This plugin creates a new Genesis settings page that allows you to insert code (HTML, Shortcodes, and PHP), and attach it to any of the 50+ action hooks throughout the Genesis Theme Framework, from StudioPress. Instead of the sometimes tedious and unfamiliar process of creating functions in your th.........

AgentPress Listings

The AgentPress Listings plugin uses custom post types, custom taxonomies, and widgets to create a listings management system. You can use the taxonomy creation tool to create your own way of classifying listings, and use those taxonomies to allow users to search for listings....

Genesis Beta Tester

This plugin hooks into the data sent to the Genesis API servers and lets us know that you'd like to update to the latest version of Genesis, even if it's still in beta....

Genesis Simple Sidebars

This plugin allows you to create multiple, dynamic widget areas, and assign those widget areas to sidebar locations within the Genesis Framework on a per post, per page, or per tag/category archive basis. Creating widget areas programmatically, then using conditional logic to properly assign them t.........

Genesis Connect for WooCommerce

This plugin replaces WooCommerce's built-in shop templates with its own Genesis-ready versions, specifically the single-product.php, archive-product.php and taxonomy.php templates needed to display the single product page, the main shop page, and Product Category and Product Tag archive pages. To a.........

Genesis Tabs

This plugin allows you to create a tabbed section, via a widget, that can display the featured image, along with the title and excerpt from each post. Choose which categories you want to feature in the tabbed section, which post elements you want to show, and save the widget. Place the widget in th.........

Genesis Slider

This plugin allows you to create a simple slider that displays the featured image, along with the title and excerpt from each post. It includes options for auto-progress and the dimensions of your slideshow. It also allows you to choose to display posts or pages, what category to pull from, and eve.........