Author: oltdev Related WordPress Plugins

Blog activity shortcode

The plugin gives users the oportunity to embed a summary of commented posts within any page. When using the shortcode [blog_activity] when writing in the content of any page, the user includes in the page, a table that displays on each row information about a certain post that received any comme.........

Conditional Custom Fields Shortcode

A series of shortcodes for using custom field values in pages or posts (or in sidebar widgets - via Section Widget!), which would then allows you to take store the actual data in custom fields while storing the presentation in the page/post body. This transforms WordPress into an awesome CMS. Keep r.........

Multiple Import

This plugin aggregates multiple blog(s) into one single blog. The imported blogs must be in the same WPMU installation as the destination blog. Suitable for WordPress MU only....

SlideShow Press

Turn a WordPress category, tag and archive page into a slideshow. If you want to create a blog that serves mostly as a presentation tool this plugin is for you. Why would you want that? Well maybe you want people to be able to comment on the slides that you present or be able to export the slide.........

User Avatar

1.4.7 is a Security Fix Please update your plugin to the latest version This plugin provides a thumbnail area in the Your Profile section, where users can upload & crop new images in an overlay and upon cropping the image, the new image will be saved and stored. This gives users with any role t.........

Add Users Sidebar Widget

Creates a sidebar widget that allows site users to add themselves to a blog based on predefined conditions. Based heavily on the sidebar add users widget by DSader...

Custom Post Order

This is a simple plugin that enables users to modify the order in which posts are displayed on all pages(or in selected categories) of the blog. This is very useful when you have a blog in which you want to display posts in the order they were posted, from the first post being the oldest one, to the.........

My Sites Shortcode

Ever wanted your users to see all their sites in a list format, Well now you can using this shortcode! Here's how it works: Install this plugin and then add [my-sites] onto a page or post where you want people to see all of their sites....

Post and Comment Growth

This plug-in is a reporting tools for site administrators in WordPress MU. It generates a histrogram graph of posts and comments population in the system. Google Data Visualization API tool is used here to generate the graph....

History Tracker

Ever wanted your users to see all the pages that they have previously visited. Well now you can! Here's how it works: The value of the current url and an appropriate title of the page are stored in the users cookie. As the user browses the site more the number of links stored grows. shortcode Y.........

Section Widget

Grand Prize winner of WordPress Plugin Competition 2009 Ever wanted to display a widget only on the front page? Subpages of certain pages? Posts with a certain tag? We've got you covered. With an extremely easy to use interface, you can create your section-specific widget in no time - without going.........

Wiki Append

This plugin enables page or post authors to scrape content from mediawiki pages and appending it to their pages. It works by scraping content from mediawiki pages by going to a special mediawiki page url. For example The content rendered on the.........

Improved Simpler CSS

An easy way to modify the css globally on your site. As an admin you are able to edit the css from the front end....

Tagged Sitemap

Creates a shortcode [tagged-sitemap] that renders a nested list with all the pages and tags for page. When a tag is clicked, related pages are then highlighted. Required plugins: Page Tagger or Simple Tags Some example: UBC LEAP...

Add Link

Add Link enables your users to add links to your blog. This is a simple plugin that enables users to add a sidebar widget to submit links to the blogroll. You can enable Login users to managed thier links. Usefull for populating the a blogroll....