Author: paul1999 Related WordPress Plugins

Quick Reply Template Plugin

This plugin allows you to specify a default text for the "quick reply" feature in WordPress 2.8+. The template can contain the comment author's fullname, first name, link to the original comment and any other characters, spaces, symbols etc....

GitHub Gist Shortcode Plugin

Instead of embedding a GitHub Gist (a pastie like service on steroids) by copying and pasting HTML you can simple embed it with a [gist] shortcode. For example, to embed the gist: 30948 enter this in a post or page: [gist id=30948] It is that simple. One problem with gists is that a search engi.........

Block Diggbar

This plugin blocks your blog from being accessed by the DiggBar. This message is displayed to the user: The DiggBar is blocked on this blog. Read why....