Author: paulmac Related WordPress Plugins

Twitter Tag

Include a Twitter @username in your blog post and Twitter Tag will automatically create a link to that users Twitter page and will send a tweet telling them that they've been tagged in one of your posts. Twitter Tag uses Tiny URL to include a URL to the blog post in the tweet....

WP Frame Breaker

Uses a short javascript to remove any containing frames around your WordPress site. The Digg toolbar now adds frames to sites, affecting site owners traffic stats and SEO. Using "WP Frame Breaker" will force your site out of the Digg containing frame....

Email Post Activation

WordPress allows posting via email, but must be told to check for emails. This is achieved by calling wp-mail.php using either a cron job, or by including a hidden iframe in your blog footer. This plugin adds the iframe to the blog footer without editing the theme - updating your theme won't break .........

tbk Creative's Social Float

The Social Float plugin displays the facebook share button ,the official twitter retweet button ,google buzz and the digg button for your viewes on a floating bar, like the websites mashable and There is also conditional tags settings to place the bar on any page that you want, and an o.........

Twitter Friends Widget

Twitter Friends is a WordPress plugin that displays your Twitter friends/ followers in your sidebar in the same way that they appear on your Twitter homepage....

Pauls Latest Posts

Pauls Latest Posts displays a list of your latest posts and comments in the sidebar with excerpts. Excerpts length can be modified or left out completely. Useful for sites that display one post on the main page, and want to link to previous posts....