Author: petermolnar Related WordPress Plugins

Playlist Log

The plugin has two parts: An importer for to import all scrobble data from provided zip files. A reciver that supports Audioscrobbler Protocol 1.2 to store and receive all the played entries a client sends to. The entries are stored as 'PlaylistLog' Custom Post types with 'Artist.........


WP-FFPC ( WordPress Fast Full Page Cache ) is a cache plugin for WordPress. It works with any webserver, including apache2, lighttpd, nginx. It can be configured to join forces with NGiNX's built-in memcached plugin for unbeatable speed....

Keyring Reactions Importer

A backfeed plugin to have all the reaction from all the social networks you have a copy of your post at....


Parse the_content with Parsedown Extra to display Markdown Extra content in HTML parser....


The plugin re-activates the long forgotten blogroll or links section of WordPress in order to turn your site to an rss2email-like service....


WP-SlidesJS adds wp-slidesjs shortcut function to WordPress in order to create Slides JS slideshow from posts of a category....


WP-Galleriffic is an image gallery plugin to extend WordPress. The JavaScript code is based on Galleriffic, but modified at some small points for bugfix. It started as a fork of Photospace plugin (v1), but it became very different approach. There are two ways to use the plugin:...