Author: pluginkollektiv Related WordPress Plugins

Antispam Bee

Say Goodbye to comment spam on your WorddPress blog or website. Antispam Bee blocks spam comments and trackbacks effectively and without captchas. It is free of charge, ad-free and compliant with European data privacy standards....


Cachify optimizes your page loads by caching posts, pages and custom post types as static content. You can choose between caching via database, on the web server’s hard drive (HDD), or—thanks to APC (Alternative PHP Cache)—directly in the web server’s system cache. Whenever a page or post is loaded,.........


Network monitor for WordPress with connection overview for controlling and regulating data traffic from your site. For German users: Beschreibung und Dokumentation in Deutsch ...

Checksum Verifier

Checksum Verifier calculates MD5 checksums for all existing WordPress core files and checks them against official checksums. It thus will detect and react upon any unrecognized modifications made on your WordPress core system (for example SoakSoak malware). Checksum Verifier runs a daily check on M.........

Blacklist Updater

Few users are familiar with the comment blacklist built into WordPress. Located in the WordPress admin area under “Settings”—“Discussion”, that blacklist for incoming comments accepts values (words) to identify spam by. Additionally to plugins like Antispam Bee in order to fight spam successfully a.........


Online-Status & Performance Serverstate* ist ein Monitoring Service, welcher die Erreichbarkeit von Webseiten überwacht und deren Antwortzeiten misst. Im Fall einer Nichterreichbarkeit der Zielseite verschickt der Dienst eine E-Mail, Tweet oder SMS als Benachrichtigung. Das Serverstate Plugin .........

Crazy Lazy

Crazy Lazy übernimmt die effiziente Anzeige der Artikelbilder im WordPress-Blog. Um die Performance der Blogseiten zu steigern, werden nicht alle Bilder sofort vom Server angefordert, sondern nach Bedarf: Erst beim Erreichen der Scroll-Position lädt Crazy Lazy das entsprechende Bild nach. Durch die.........

Publish Confirm

Accidentally published a WordPress post too early once too often, instead of saving it as a draft? The WordPress plugin Publish Confirm implements an extra confirmation dialogue inbetween your click on and the actual processing of the Publish button. Simple and effective. Once a post has been publi.........

Save Post. Check Links.

Save Post. Check Links. übernimmt die Prüfung interner und externer Verlinkungen innerhalb der WordPress-Artikel. Das Plugin erkennt somit Tipp- sowie Copy&Paste-Fehler in gesetzten Links und Bildpfaden. Der Vorteil: Defekte Website-Verknüpfungen und Bild-Referenzierungen werden noch vor der Ver.........


The free and add-free plugin Statify pursues a simple objective: to provide a straightforward and compact access to the number of site views. No frills. No Cookies. No third party. No storage of personal data. No endless data privacy statements. An interactive chart is followed by lists of the mos.........


AntiVirus for WordPress is a easy-to-use, safe tool to harden your WordPress site against exploits, malware and spam injections. You can configure AntiVirus to perform an automated daily scan of your theme files and database tables. If the plugin happens to detect any suspicious code injections, it .........