Author: scribu Related WordPress Plugins


Want to replace the old ← Older posts | Newer posts → links with some page links? This plugin provides the wp_pagenavi() template tag which generates fancy pagination links. See the installation instructions for using it in your theme. Help to translate at https://translate.foe-services..........

Smarter Navigation

When displaying a single post, you might want to show links to the previous and next posts in the same category. That's fine; WordPress let's you do this with previous_post_link() and next_post_link(). But what if that post is in multiple categories? What if the user came to that post from a tag .........

Merge Tags

This plugin is outdated. Use Term Management Tools instead....

Posts 2 Posts

This plugin allows you to create many-to-many relationships between posts of any type: post, page, custom etc. A few example use cases: manually curated lists of related posts post series products connected to retailers etc. Additionally, you can create many-to-many relationships between posts a.........

Proper Network Activation

When running WordPress MultiSite, you have a very handy feature called network activation. It allows you to activate a plugin for the entire network of sites. The trouble is that it only does half the job. Some plugins have an install procedure that is meant to be run only on activation. However, w.........


This plugin is a a usage example for scbFramework. scbFramework is a toolkit that helps developers write plugins faster. It consists of several classes which handle common tasks, such as generating settings pages, creating database tables etc. See the documentation for more details. To take a qui.........

Hide Spam Count

Whenever I visit my site's dashboard, the first thing I see is the bold red Spam count. Instead of wasting time deleting spam comments, I prefer to let Akismet do that automatically, so I don't need to see how many spam comments there are. This little plugin simply hides that part. Links: Plugin .........

ImageShack Offloader

Displaying a lot of images on your site is great. You'll notice, however, that they tend to eat up a lot of bandwidth. If your site is even remotely popular, this usually means you'll have to upgrade your hosting account. ImageShack is a service that offers free image hosting. So why not take advan.........

Query Multiple Taxonomies

This plugin lets you do faceted search using multiple custom taxonomies. It has a drill-down widget with multiple display modes. Said widget is easily customizable via template files (no PHP knowledge required)....

Custom Field Taxonomies

Custom fields are great for storing various meta data about a post. However, if you routinely need to display posts that have a certain custom field value, you should consider switching to a custom taxonomy, which is better suited for grouping posts. With this simple plugin, you can convert all cus.........

Deviant Thumbs

Display linked thumbnails from deviantART on your WordPress blog. Features: Scrollable carousel: your thumbs can be displayed in a dA style carousel Inline deviations: the code :thumb98765: inside a post becomes a thumbnail, just like on dA Multiple widget support Flexible template tags Links:.........

Smart Archives Reloaded

Smart Archives Reloaded allows you to display a list of posts grouped by year and month. It also provides several interesting navigation elements. Format list: list = a list of posts grouped by month block = a compact block of links to year and date archive pages menu = a two-level menu with link.........

Term Management Tools

If you need to reorganize your tags and categories, this plugin will make it easier for you. It adds two new options to the Bulk Actions dropdown on term management pages: Merge - combine two or more terms into one Set parent - set the parent for one or more terms (for hierarchical taxonomies) Cha.........

Category Checklist Tree

On the post editing screen, after saving a post, you will notice that the checked categories are displayed on top, breaking the category hierarchy. This plugin removes that "feature". Additionally, it automatically scrolls to the first checked category. Works with custom taxonomies too. Links: Pl.........

Network Privacy

This plugin adds 2 privacy options in a single install and 3 in a network install. In a network install the network administrators (Super admins) have the option to set the privacy setting for the entire network. When the privacy is set for the entire network, the extra privacy options are not shown.........