Author: shanebp Related WordPress Plugins

BuddyPress Simple Events

This BuddyPress plugin allows members to create, edit and delete Events from their profile. It: provides a tab on each members' profile for front-end creation, editing and deletion uses the Google Places API for creating locations uses Google Maps to show Event location creates a custom post typ.........

BuddyProfileMessageUX Free

BuddyMessageUX-Free is a BuddyPress plugin. Default behavior for the buttons is to take you to your own profile - to compose and send messages from there. Why? Why not stay on the profile page you are viewing? Fortunately, BuddyPress makes it easy to replace the functionality for those buttons. .........

BP Local Avatars

BP Local Avatars is a BuddyPress plugin. Do you have members or groups on your BuddyPress site who do not have an Avatar? And you do not want to show the generic default avatar? Or maybe you do not want each page view to include a lot of calls to to load avatars? This plugin will cre.........

BP Messages Tool

BP Messages Tool is a BuddyPress plugin. By default, nobody can read a BuddyPress private message unless it was sent or received by the current logged-in member. Occasionally, there is a need to respond to member complaints about another member harassing them via abusive messages. This tool allow.........

BP Simple Private

This BuddyPress plugin allows administrators to select whether posts, pages and BuddyPress sections can be viewed by non-logged-in users. Your front page or home page will always be Public. If a user is logged in - this plugin will have no effect on them. It: will redirect non-logged-in users t.........

BP Email Assign Templates

This BuddyPress plugin allows site administrators to assign template options to individual BuddyPress Emails. It requires BuddyPress 2.5.1 or higher. It: provides a screen for creating template options provides a meta-box for assigning template options to each BuddyPress Email filters each BuddyP.........

BP xProfile Location

Creates an xProfile Location field type that use the Google Places API to populate and validate the address fields. The result will be uniform and searchable addresses with a single input field. You can create multiple Location fields via wp-admin > Users > Profile Fields > Add New Field .........