Author: shaunandrews Related WordPress Plugins


Lets say, for the sake of argument that you have something like an iPhone. And you use it to take pictures. You sure wish there was an easy way to be able to set up a WordPress blog as a photoblog automatically. Now you can. The Photo Stream iCloud feature is just for this kind of task. You can .........


Tagregator lets you add a shortcode to a post or page on your site, and pull in content from various social media networks onto that page. For example, if you add [tagregator hashtag="#WordPress"] into a page, then you'll see posts that mention the #WordPress hashtag....

WordPress Widgets Refresh

Plugin project for refreshing WordPress core's widget interface.

Widget Customizer

This plugin is being developed as part of the Widgets UI Refresh feature-as-plugin group. Read the Widget Customizer Feature-as-Plugin Merge Proposal. New: This plugin has been merged into WordPress Core! See r27419. This plugin will deactivate itself when WordPress is updated to this revision. No.........

Menu Recent Pages

Add a list of recently updated pages to Pages menu in wp-admin....

Media Grid

When browsing your media, why limit yourself to a list with tiny thumbnails? The Media Grid plugin gives you a nice grid view of your media items. Please be aware that this is (and has always been) a work in progress. Activating this plugin means you’ll lose a lot of functionality, like easily edit.........

Better Widgets

Lets make widgets better. This plugin moves your wigdet areas (some call them sidebars) to the left, making them the focus of the screen. The list of available widgets now lives on the right. Available widgets are contained in their own scrollable div, helping resolve the age-old problem of scrollin.........

Widgets Area Chooser

Dragging and dropping widgets into sidebars can be tricky. This plugin lets you click a widget, and then choose where it should be placed. Simple. Easy. Note: This plugin assumes you have MP6 installed and activated. Without MP6, things may look wonky....


VaultPress is a real-time backup and security scanning service designed and built by Automattic, the same company that operates 25+ million sites on The VaultPress plugin provides the required functionality to backup and synchronize every post, comment, media file, revision and dashb.........