Author: shauno Related WordPress Plugins

NextGEN Gallery Voting

Features Individually enable or disabled per image Choose if registered and logged in users can vote Allow a user to vote as often as they want, or just once per image Show or hide the results from your users Choose from 3 ratings types: 1-5 Stars, 1-10 Drop Down, or Like/Dislike NGG Voting was .........

Betta Boxes CMS

Welcome to the Betta Boxes CMS plugin. This plugin turns your WordPress Blog into a powerful CMS, without the need to get down and dirty in the source code. Betta Boxes gives you a clean, simple administration user interface to create custom fields, and link them to Posts, Pages, and any Custom Post.........

Shauno Simple Gallery

PLEASE NOTE: This plugin is no longer being developed or supported. There are much better galleries out there. Try NextGEN Gallery for starters :)...