Author: sujin2f Related WordPress Plugins

Query Monitor Extension : Checking Variable

Are you a WordPress Developer? Just simply check the values of your variables. You can use it either in Query Monitor result and independently. For more information, please visit my WordPress Developer's Reference GitHub repo....

2D Tag Cloud

Is your tag too simple? 2D Tag Cloud helps you improve your tag style. It makes a tag cloud with two visual values: hit and used count. For instance, the size represents that how many times the tag have clicked, and the colour represents how many posts have had the tag. 2D 태그 클라우드는 두가지 .........

한글 맞춤법 검사기 - Korean Spell Checker!

워드프레스 리치 에디터에 한글 맞춤법 검사기로 바로 가는 버튼을 삽입합니다. 이제 쪽팔리게 맞춤법 틀리지 마세요. (저도 못하지만)...

The Events Calendar Shortcode

This plugin adds a shortcode for use with The Events Calendar Plugin (by Modern Tribe). The shortcode displays lists of your events. You can control the event display with the shortcode options. Example shortcode to show next 8 events in the category festival in ASC order with date showing [ecs-li.........

Evanesco! : Admin Menu and Widget Controller

You can hide or show WordPress menu and widget on admin page with Evanesco! The hidden menu and widget is not DISABLE, just hide from your sight. You can make it visible any time you want. 워드프레스 어드민에서 메뉴와 위젯을 숨기거나 보이게 할 수 있어요! 사라진 메뉴와 위젯은 단지 어드민에서 보이지 .........

Plugin Manager

If your plugin admin page had so many items, you would be struggle to manage them. Make them categorized with this plugin :D...

HTML to Post

If you use specific clause when you write a post or page, like signature or donation link like me, just download this plugin. 여러분이 서명이나 도네이션 링크 같은 특정한 구문을 포스트나 페이지에 자주 사용한다면 이 플러그인이 참 유용할 거에요. In the same reason, you may want to include css or java.........


Apparition! shows you specific category of links at the admin bar! Just check the link categories at admin page. 여러분이 지정한 링크를 어드민바에 보여줄 수 있어요. Official Page : Apparition!...

Where are my Post Types

Did you lost some posts after install new WP Theme? This plugin may help you to find them. Install and just click; it's easy....


"Uploag-in" will make a file input at your login page. You can upload the key file to login. It makes your login security more powerful. 로그인 페이지에 키 파일을 업로드하는 방식으로 로그인 보안을 높이는 플러그인입니다....

Your Shortcodes

Your Shortcodes finds all shortcodes which you can use....

AdminBar Remover

Hide and show the adminbar by clicking WP logo. It works on front pages only. This plugin is basically for front-end developers who want to check design instantly....