Author: tecking Related WordPress Plugins


"Fukudonkenjin (福丼県人)" means the people living in "Fukudonken (福丼県)". Fukudonken is a holy place of donburi-mono (bowl of rice with something) in Japan. Activating this plugin, you can see some "福井県 (Fukui-ken)" strings are replaced with "福丼県" on your website. Please see also the "福丼.........

Reloadr for WordPress

This plugin is based on "Reloadr" which watches web project files for change, and refreshes their page automatically. This is good for client-side assets(e.g. *.css, *.js etc... ) and server-side assets(e.g. *.php). Thank you for awesome scripts "Reloadr" made by Daniel Bergey(