Author: webgarb Related WordPress Plugins

TabGarb Pro

TabGarb is a WordPress plugin which gives your wordpress a power to change content into Javascript tab enable content very easily, Tabgarb use HTML comment tags in place of using tags like [ (tabs), [tabs] , {tabs} ] which make your content wordpress friendly ( TabGarb Formatting tag will not spoil .........


Using MyMood you can show your status message to your client very easily MyMood Help you to select Mood from many of options, you can also show smiley and message with your status/mood, MyMood Comes with 100 of Smileys Inbuild and its will be more fun to show of your Mood. Version Change logs Detai.........

BuddyPress MyMood

BuddyPress MyMood is a BuddyPress, which allows the members to express their moods at different times with a activity status post. Members can use smileys and also show latest mood on the member profile for their friends to know about it. The plug-in comes with various inbuilt mood types and you ca.........