Author: williamlong Related WordPress Plugins

Google Blogger Permalink

This Plugin will generate Permalinks formatted for Google Blogger. If you want to move from WordPress to Google Blogger, using this plugin to generate the Google Blogger Permalinks, so you can switch your blog to blogspot without 404 error. After install this plugin, when editing a post, give it a .........

Keyword Filter

The Keyword keyword plugin replace the sensitive keyword in the post content. Keyword filter plugin works by creating a WordPress filter for the post contents. When the post get displayed, WordPress gives the post content to the keyword filter plugin and the plugin returns some modified content. Re.........

Comment Filter

Comment Filter is a plugin that allows for filtering of bad words used during commenting. Comment filter plugin works by creating a WordPress filter for the comment contents. When the comments get displayed, WordPress gives the comment content to the comment filter plugin and the plugin returns some.........


Post2Mail plugin allows you to automatically e-mail selected people when a post is published on your blog. Also useful for alerting an administrator when a post has been published on the blog. Configuration is done in the post2mail.config.php file which has comments to get you started. Some of Word.........

Pinyin Slug

The Chinese PinYin Slug WordPress plugin convert Chinese UTF-8 character into English PinYin character from a post slugs to improve search engine optimization. For example, when you publish a post with a title like this: "Chinese PinYin" Wordpress automatically assigns a long filename to your post.........