Author: wpgwiggum Related WordPress Plugins


Upon installation and activation, this plugin will add the necessary code to your pages to take advantage of the approaches to getting the IE6 PNG Transparency issue solved....

WP Scheduled Themes

This plugin allows a wordpress administrator to schedule a different theme to display on the website for holidays or special events for all visitors. The theme will be overridden on the live site for all people who visit the site. Great for setting a Christmas theme! If you just want to have a css.........

HITS- Pages By Role

Pages By Role gives designers the ability to add pages to a widget while specifying what WordPress roles are required to view the link. From a drop down you can select the page, user role and optional override text for each link you want to have displayed....

WP Scheduled Styles

This plugin allows a wordpress administrator to schedule an additional css file to display on the website for holidays or special events for all visitors. The css file will be added to the live site. Great for setting a Christmas theme! If you just want to have a theme loaded instead of just a css.........