
By : unknown

用微集分快速、个性化的分享网页上的文字、图片、视频等内容,从而带来更多回流访问。通过微集分,你网站的内容将被分享到互联网的任何角落,稳步提升您的网站流量! 超过10万网站和用户正在使用微集分工具和插件.您无需注册即可使用。但是注册用户可以享用更多额外功能,如免费享用流量统计分析,拥有独立系统管理后台等等。


JiaThis是什么? JiaThis是稳步提升网站流量和搜索引擎排名的WEB2.0工具!通过JiaThis,你网站的内容将被分享到互联网的任何角落,稳步提升您的网站流量!JiaThis是中国最大的社会化分享按钮及工具提供商。...

Similar: 80%


=米派是什么 = 米派(www.mepire.com)是一款国内首创、创新型的交互式图片工具栏。网站主开启该插件后,即可将网站静态图片转变成具有丰富互动功能的交互式图片。米派工具栏的引入,可以帮助网站主轻松地将“社会化”,“电子商务”等现代互联网的核心元素和网站的静态图片无缝结合,全面提升网站的粘性及流量和商业价值。 =米.........

Similar: 78%


百度分享 百度分享是一个提供网页地址收藏、分享及发送的WEB2.0按钮工具,借助百度分享按钮,网站的浏览者可以方便的分享内容到人人网、开心网、QQ空间、新浪微博等一系列SNS站点。 网站主可以在百度分享网站中获得分享按钮JS代码,嵌入到自己的网站,让网站链接分享到互联网各个角落!通过百度分享按钮,您的网站的浏览者.........

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Similar: 71%

Open Social

Allow to Login or Share with social networks (mainly in china) like QQ, Sina WeiBo, Baidu, Google, Live, DouBan, RenRen, KaiXin, XiaoMi. No API! NO Registration! NO 3rd-party! 可用国内社交网站:腾讯QQ、新浪微博、百度、豆瓣、人人网、开心网、小米、CSDN、OSChina、微信绑定登录或分享的一个插件。 无第三.........

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Smart Layers by AddThis

Give your site’s visitors easy-to-use buttons to engage with your content. These social sharing buttons work as layers that overlay your site so not to disrupt your design. Here are some tips for maximizing and streamlining content engagement with our newest plugin: Add share buttons and follow b.........

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WP MashSocial Wigdet Lite

WP MashSocial Wigdet Lite: A beautiful widget inspired by Mashable to be used in sidebar, it allows you to add your Pinterest, G+ , Twitter , Facebook and Feeds Subscription in it . Ver = 1.8.6 = *Mashsocial is now Responsive *Issue with Google Plus Circle resolved (Google API Updated) *Asynchronou.........

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Rooh.it Instant Highlighter: Save and Share `parts` of web-pages

Makes Your Web-Site/Blog VERY VIRAL! Add a highlighter pen to your blog: anyone can then make 'highlights on any part of your page' and easily post them to any Social Networking & Bookmarking site (Facebook, Twitter, LinkdIn, Digg, etc.) Each post auto includes a tiny URL linking other readers .........

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AutoTweet any part of page: (includes tinyURL back to page with those parts highlighted)

This plugin is being replaced with the EXCITING new Rooh.It Simplifier Makes Your Web-Site/Blog VERY Viral! No Signup needed by anyone. No Download needed by anyone. Absolutely FREE Please install the Rooh.It Simplifier now...

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LessButtons Social Sharing and Statistics

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