AAC Scoring

By : unknown

Improves Pagespeed/GTMetrix/SEMrush/Yslow scores for Twenty Fourteen theme by reducing round trips, moving core CSS above the fold. For best results, you should also employ the following to get the best score: mod_pagespeed -> NGINX/Apache plugin W3 Total Cache for JS + HTML Minify BWP Minify Defer CSS AddOn for BWP Minify EWWW Image Optimizer a3 Lazy Load

Remove Query Strings From Static Resources

This plugin will remove query strings from static resources like CSS & JS files, and will improve your speed scores in services like PageSpeed, YSlow, Pingdoom and GTmetrix. Resources with a “?” or “&” in the URL are not cached by some proxy caching servers, and moving the query string and .........

Similar: 30%

Query Strings Remover

Query Strings Remover removes query strings from your static resources like CSS and JavaScript files. It will improve your cache performance and overall score in Google PageSpeed, YSlow, Pingdom and GTmetrix. Just install and forget everything, as no configuration needed. After installing Query Str.........

Similar: 28%

Specify Image Dimensions

A simple and lightweight plugin that scans your website and automatically sets the appropriate image dimensions that are missing a width and/or height attributes in your <img> tags. For example, here are some images with no dimensions set: <img src=https://wordpress.org/plugins/specify-im.........

Similar: 25%

Remove Query Strings From Static Resources Like CSS & JS Files

With this plugin you will be able to remove query string from static resources like javascript files and css files without even touching a single line of code. I am developing this plugin because I was getting too many complains about the wordpress themes on my blog. Everyone was complaining that af.........

Similar: 24%

WP Performance Score Booster

This plugin speed-up page load times and improve website scores in services like PageSpeed, YSlow, Pingdom and GTmetrix....

Similar: 19%

WP Optimize Speed By xTraffic

Plugin WP Optimize Speed By xTraffic speed up your WordPress website, save resources and bandwidth of server, increase website's Google PageSpeed Insights point. Everything is done completely automatically, and you can change the options from the administration settings panel....

Similar: 16%

WP Resized Image Quality

Get better uploaded quality or save bandwidth: Change the JPEG compression-level of uploaded images and thumbnails. 'Resized Image Quality' lets you easily change the compression-level of uploaded JPEG images and thumbnails. Set it for maximum quality when you want images to look their best, or tak.........

Similar: 12%

RS Head Cleaner Lite

This plugin cleans up a number of issues, doing the work of multiple plugins, improving efficiency, security, SEO, and user experience. It removes junk code from the document HEAD & HTTP headers, combines/minifies/caches CSS & JavaScript files, hides the Generator/WordPress Version number, r.........

Similar: 11%

RS Head Cleaner Plus

This plugin cleans up a number of issues, doing the work of multiple plugins, improving speed, efficiency, security, SEO, and user experience. It removes junk code from the document HEAD & HTTP headers, moves JavaScript from header to footer, combines/minifies/caches CSS & JavaScript files, .........

Similar: 10%

JCH Optimize

Speed up your WordPress site instantly with JCH Optimize! This plugin provides all the front end optimizations you need to optimize your website download speed. Core feature is to automatically aggregate CSS and javascript files to reduce the number of http requests made by the browser to download y.........

Similar: 8%