Adblock Blocker

Adblock Blocker plugin is a great addon to your wordpress site it detects if your visitors are using any ad-blocker on their browsers to block the advertisements, if your revenue comes from advertisements then you are loosing all those clicks as people are using ad-blocker scripts and this plugin will help you track those and disallow sites functionality until they disable the ad-block scripts.

We have tested this on many popular ad-blocker scripts like Adblock Plus, AdBlock, AdBlock Premium, Simple Adblock, Trueblock Plus, Adblock Edge, Adblock Pro etc, we will keep adding support for many others aswell, please feel free to share which you want to detect first.

This plugin depends on 3rd party service ( to detect and log the IP address and find informations about geographical location of the clients.

Ad Blocking Detector

Tired of missed opportunities and empty spaces because of pesky ad blocking browser extensions, add-ons, and plugins? Would you like to determine which of your site visitors use ad blockers and do something about it? Then this highly rated plugin is for you! Use the simple built-in tool to substitu.........

Similar: 89%

Detect AdBlock

Detect AdBlock Detect AdBlock and prevent browsing when the visitor has AdBlock in the browser....

Similar: 75%

BAN - Blocked Ads Notifier Lite

Description Blocked Ads Notifier or simply BAN is a WordPress plugin that works by detecting when ads are being blocked by popular extensions such as adblock, adblock plus and ghostery. It fills in the blank spaces left by adblock detectors with your own custom notice, a great way to persuade users.........

Similar: 67%

Sorry AdBlocker

This plugin will detect users using AdBlock software Crystal and other AdBlock tools. AdBlocker can't see lasted post. Site owner can edit message title and body....

Similar: 66%

AdBlock X

Easy to install plugin allows you to track the visitors who have activated ad-block software on your website(s). Sign in to the AdBlock X Portal to see real-time data and examine adblockers' impact on your website. Adblock detection script has been tested on most common browsers with most common a.........

Similar: 63%

NoAdblock Nice Message

This plugin shows a friendly message to the users with any adblock extension on their browser. The plugin just suggests to disable the adblock for your blog with a flyout box. The message disappears when the user close the message box. Available languages: English Spanish Contribute Feel free.........

Similar: 46%

adBlock Alerter

Stop losing money on your google adsense and other ad network accounts by using adBlock Alerter. adBlock Alerter detects if a user on you blog/website is using; adBlock, adBlock Pro, adBlock Plus or any type of ad blocking plugins/extensions and displays a message or image to disable it/add your web.........

Similar: 30%

Ad Blocking Alert

Stop losing money on your google adsense and other ad network accounts by using Ad Blocking Alert! It can detect if your visitor is using ad blocking plugins such as AdBlock, and if so will popup a message asking the visitor to disable or add an exception before they can visit the site. You can com.........

Similar: 30%

PopUp Anyway

PopUp Anyway Add PopUp advertisement easily, it is not affected with any AdBlock! and compatible with all major browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, phone and tablet....

Similar: 13%

Google AdSense by BestWebSoft

Google AdSense Plugin creates blocks to display ads on your website. It allows to customize the ads displaying, such as format (text ad, image, text with an image or link), size, color of the elements in the ad block, rounded corners and the ad block position on the website. It provides possibility .........

Similar: 7%