Add External Media

By : leemon

Add external media from a supported oEmbed provider (YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Twitter, ...) to the media library

Media Deduper

Media Deduper was built to help you find and eliminate duplicate images and attachments from your WordPress media library. After installing, you'll have a new "Manage Duplicates" option in your Media section. Before Media Deduper can identify duplicate assets, it first must build an index of all th.........

Similar: 60%

Hotlink File Prevention

This plugin offers simple hotlink prevention that can be applied directly in the media library. With many membership plugins and private pages on WordPress - non members or those who do not have access can still potenially gain access via the url of the file HFP offers simple hotlink prevention to.........

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WP Attachment Export

WP Attachment Export allows you to export your media library into a WordPress eXtended RSS or WXR file. You can then use the Tools->Import function in another WordPress installation to import the media library....

Similar: 38%

Default Media Uploader View

WordPress 3.5 introduced an entirely new media uploader which streamlined the way one handles and uploads images to posts. Unfortunately, since then, the default view for the media library is "All media items" instead of "Uploaded to this post". This plugin sets "Uploaded to this post" as the defau.........

Similar: 34%

Organize Media Library

This rebuild a thumbnail of the image file. Organize uploads into month- and year-based folders. Organize files into the specified folder. This rebuild a metadata(Images, Videos, Audios). Move the upload folder and all uploaded files. URL in the content, replace with the new URL. Translators * .........

Similar: 25%

No Page Comment

Up until recently, WordPress gave two options: You could either disable comments and trackbacks by default for all pages and posts, or you could have them active by default. In WordPress version 4.3, this finally changed so comments are always disabled on new pages. While the new change makes it ea.........

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Soda pop for your media. Take control of your media. Access all size versions of your uploaded image for insert. SuperSlider-Media-Pop adds numerous image enhancements to your admin panels. Displays all attached files to this post/page in post listing screen. It adds image sizes to the Upload/Inser.........

Similar: 20%

Inline Attachments

A Note to all you developers: As WordPress continues to develop further, this plugin is not a big help anymore. If you have Inline Attachments already installed, I strongly advise you to migrate to another solution like WordPress Core functionality or plugins like Advanced Custom Fields. Support fo.........

Similar: 20%

Media from FTP

Register to media library from files that have been uploaded by FTP. This create a thumbnail of the image file. This create a metadata(Images, Videos, Audios). Change the date/time. Work with DateTimePicker. jQuery plugin select date/time. If use the Schedule options, can periodically run. The exec.........

Similar: 17%


Your Media Library and Post History are a wealth of information and assets. Tumble allows you to pick items to share on Tumblr with just one click. The plugin is smart enough to know what kind of content you are sending and will make the proper API call to Tumblr. Super easy! Read more: http://scot.........

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