AddThis Sidebar Widget

By : foolip

This widget adds the feed subscription and/or social bookmarking buttons from AddThis to your sidebar. This is a convenient way for visitors to subscribe to your feed or bookmark your pages without cluttering the sidebar with a gazillion buttons for all the different feed readers and social bookmark sites.

KB Advanced RSS Widget

WordPress comes with a default RSS widget, but you get no control over how the feed shows up in your sidebar. Want more control? The KB Advanced RSS widget gives it to you. With it, you can Decide which RSS fields to display (as opposed to the default RSS widget, which limits you to link, title, a.........

Similar: 40%

Buzz this Button - Google official api

This plugin displays Buzz this button and you can set all allowed options (counter, language, style etc) inside plugin administration Features: All this data will be autoamticly set * data-message - The message or annotation that accompanies the Buzz post. By default, this is blank. * data-url - .........

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Instant Highlighter

It is recommended that you install the HOT, NEW & EXCITING [Rooh.It Plugin]( instead Makes Your Web-Site/Blog VERY Viral! Puts a horizonal highlighter pen: anyone can make highlights on any part of your web page and automatically post them to a.........

Similar: 9% Instant Highlighter: Save and Share `parts` of web-pages

Makes Your Web-Site/Blog VERY VIRAL! Add a highlighter pen to your blog: anyone can then make 'highlights on any part of your page' and easily post them to any Social Networking & Bookmarking site (Facebook, Twitter, LinkdIn, Digg, etc.) Each post auto includes a tiny URL linking other readers .........

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AutoTweet any part of page: (includes tinyURL back to page with those parts highlighted)

This plugin is being replaced with the EXCITING new Rooh.It Simplifier Makes Your Web-Site/Blog VERY Viral! No Signup needed by anyone. No Download needed by anyone. Absolutely FREE Please install the Rooh.It Simplifier now...

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Automatically publish highlights of any website, directly to your Blog

Ever blogged about something you read online? Shared a webpage? Or linked to another webpage? Now automatically embed/quote a part of any web-page (and your comments) within your own page without ever leaving the page you are on - nothing to "join", no cost, NO FINE PRINT :) To Try it: On this pa.........

Similar: 8%

Find Me On

The Find Me On sidebar widget displays icons for all of your social network profiles. Includes 73 Social Network options, 16px or 32px icon size, and three icon styles, including sexy-style. NEW Supported Networks: * Apple NEW! * BrightKite NEW! * Facebook Fan Pages NEW! * Diigo NEW! * Friendster N.........

Similar: 7%

AddToAny Share Buttons

The AddToAny WordPress sharing plugin helps people share your posts and pages to any service, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, and over 100 more sharing and social media sites & apps. AddToAny is the universal sharing platform, and AddToAny's plu.........

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Social Share 2.0 - Social Bookmarks

This plugin adds a small widget within each blog post to share blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Surfpeople, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites ....

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LessButtons Social Sharing and Statistics

LessButtons automatically display sharing buttons for those social networks, where visitor registered and logged in. Support automated detection and display buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. 100+ more social networks and bookmark services.........

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