AdNgin-Adsense Revenue Optimization

By : yayabobi

AdNgin uses a unique algorithm to continuously A/B test AdSense ad units and imrpove AdSense revenues. The easy to use dashboard provides easy drag-and-drop capabilities so no coding necessary, just magic. The WordPress plugin offers simple installation and setup. Our dashboard was created using customer feedback to provide a seamless user experience. You can add new ads, customize sizes & color, behavior, exclude pages, and many more exclusive features.

Google AdSense

The AdSense Plugin enables you to easily use Google's products - including Webmaster Tools - with your WordPress site. This plugin lets you place AdSense ads using a simple point-and-click UI rather than manually inserting snippets yourself. To insert AdSense ads without the plugin would first invo.........

Similar: 75%

Ads by

The Ads plugin allows you to add advertisements to your blog. You can add advertisements to your posts, pages or Text Widgets via the shortcode. You can also add ads to your site by adding a function to your theme's template files. You have full control over how many ads get displayed as well as .........

Similar: 46%

WP Simple Adsense Insertion

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Google Adsense to your posts, pages and sidebar by using a shortcode or calling the php function from your theme's template file. There are many plugins and services which can add Google Adsense to your WordPress site. However I found that even though so.........

Similar: 42%

Easy Ad Placement - for AdSense and other Ads

Please use the new and better Plugin "Easy Code Pleacement". - This Plugin will not be Supported anymore. "Easy Code Pleacement" is completely rewritten with better handling and a modern Layout. Easy Ad Placement provides a very easy way to place.........

Similar: 39%

Adsense Inserter

Quick Start Guide [Adsense Inserter quick start guide at] ( A truly lightweight plugin for adding Adsense ads to any of your post or pages; including your homepage. Many plugins for adding Adsense ads to .........

Similar: 39%

Responsive Ad Shortcodes

Responsive Ad Shortcodes is a WordPress plugin that was built to scratch an itch. For some time, we've been trying to get AdSense and DoubleClick to play nice with responsive websites. Not easy, as the responsive ad offerings from Google fall very short and offer little control. This plugin aims to .........

Similar: 39%


Ads is a plugin that allows you to insert ads anywhere into your post just by using a simple shortcode. Most importantly there have no limits. You can create hundreds of Ad codes by your own or can get from different ad networks like Google AdSense or Bing Ads. There is lot more options. You can sel.........

Similar: 34%

WP Advertize It

This plugin provides allows you to easily insert ads anywhere on your website. You can define ad blocks containing ads from Google Adsense, Amazon, Commissure Junction... Enabling advertizing on your website is as easy as: Defining a few ad blocks copy&pasting code from Google, Amazon, CJ... .........

Similar: 28%

Easy Code Placement

Easy Code Placement provides a very easy way to place any Code where you want to have it. - You can use the WordPress Text Widget with an Shortcode in it or just place a Shortcode anywhere in Posts/Pages to display your code where you want to have it....

Similar: 12%

Google AdSense by BestWebSoft

Google AdSense Plugin creates blocks to display ads on your website. It allows to customize the ads displaying, such as format (text ad, image, text with an image or link), size, color of the elements in the ad block, rounded corners and the ad block position on the website. It provides possibility .........

Similar: 10%