Advanced Custom Fields: Position Field

By : mihdan
  • Author: mihdan
  • Project URI:
  • License: GPL 2. See License below for copyright jots and tittles.

Addon for Advanced Custom Fields that adds a position field (country/region/city) to the available field types

Advanced Custom Fields: Flexible Content Toggler

Enables toggling of ACF Flexible Content Fields for easier sorting and management. Inspired by "Advanced Custom Fields Repeater Collapser" by Mark Root-Wiley ( Requires the "Advanced Custom Fields" plugin and the premium add-on "Advanced Custom Field.........

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Advanced Custom Fields

Advanced Custom Fields is the perfect solution for any wordpress website which needs more flexible data like other Content Management Systems. Visually create your Fields Select from multiple input types (text, textarea, wysiwyg, image, file, page link, post object, relationship, select, checkbox,.........

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Local JSON is a new feature added in version 5 which saves field group and field settings to files within your theme. The idea is similar to caching and both dramatically speeds up ACF and allows for version control over your field settings! HOWEVER, the wp-admin field group edit screen will not lo.........

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Advanced Custom Fields Limiter

Insert JavaScript character limiters in Advanced Custom Fields. You set a limit for each field, and a character counter will appear next to them in the admin interface. Links Plugin Page GitHub Repository ...

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Advanced Custom Fields: Tag It Field

Do you need to be able to select multiple bits of text but a repeater field is overkill? Use the Tag It field. This plugin brings Alex Ehlke's Tag It Field to ACF. This field currently includes the following options: available tags : Used as source for the autocompletion. The original jQuery UI.........

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Advanced Custom Fields Viewer

If you are working with a large number of fields in Elliot Condon’s Advanced Custom Fields, chances are you manually wrap print_r inside of pre tags while building themes. Sometimes you just need all the fields you are working with more accessible and out of the way. You will be able to bounce back .........

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Meta Box

Meta Box plugin provides powerful API to implement custom meta boxes and custom fields for any post type in WordPress. It extends the default WordPress functionality to add more flexible data to posts, pages or any custom post types which makes your website look like a professional Content Managemen.........

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Post Meta

Plugin Homepage | Documentation | Video Tutorial | Screenshots Post Meta is a wordpress custom post field, post type and taxonomy management Plugin. It has smart and modern (ajax and jquery based) interface to create post meta option or custom meta field as group or field. It also support smart sho.........

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My Custom Theme Values

This plugin will provide user to use the custom dynamic values anywhere on the site by editing code OR by simply using short code that you can see the details on the plug-in setting page....

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PIKLIST | Rapid development framework

CURRENTLY IN BETAPiklist is the most powerful framework available for WordPress. Easy for beginners... built for developers. Piklist helps you build things - fast. Piklist is a rapid development framework for WordPress that will let you concentrate on the main focus of your plugin or theme, and le.........

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