Advanced Database Cleaner

By : symptote


Advanced Database Cleaner is a must-have plugin that cleans your WP database by:

1. Removing unused data such as "revision", "draft", "auto draft", "moderated comments", "spam comments", "trash comments", "orphan postmeta", "orphan commentmeta", "orphan relationships", "dashboard transient feed".

2. Optimizing your WordPress database. This will help you reducing storage space and improving efficiency when accessing your tables.

3. Resetting your database back to its original state. This will help you making a fresh installation and skip the "5 minutes wordpress installation steps".

* It cleans your database by one click.
* The settings page allows you choose what data should be cleaned.
* You can schedule the clean-up and optimization of your database.
* It is a must-have plugin to keep your database clean.

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