Ajax Post Save

By : Bull3t

Ajax Post Save is a WordPress plugin which enables you to save any WordPress post/page with Ajax; you can now make edits to a post and not have to reload the WordPress administration page every time you want to save and preview the post. WordPress already has an Ajax save function on the post edit pages which automatically saves a drafted post after 120 seconds. This is helpful, but it only works for posts that have not been published and will not work with pages; making this function almost useless.

This plugin puts the auto save function to good use and adds an extra button next to the default "Save and Continue Editing" on the administration pages. The original WordPress auto save function has been edited to accommodate extra features such as not only saving the title and content of the post but saving categories, password, slug, status and so on. The only settings that are not saved through Ajax is the page template and the post timestamp, this is because editing these require a full reload anyway.

You have the option to remove the "Save and Continue Editing" button that is currently used and replace it with a "Save Through Ajax" button or have both of them. The plugin also enables you to change the interval time between each post/page auto save.

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