Alex image and link scraper

This plugin allows you to easily scrap images and links from other websites simply by entering the URL See for help

Alex Set Favicon

Alex Set Favicon allows any user to easily set and update their favicon. See for help...

Similar: 45%

Javascript snowflake generator

This plugin creates a snow like effect on your wordpress blog. A simple way of getting festive. Follow @spidersdesign...

Similar: 40%

Social Handles

The Social Handles plugin allows you to quickly replace social handles with links to their respective profiles. Features: Replace handles for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Twitter hashtags, and WordPress. Easy Installation. Simply install the plugin and your handles will be replaced. Easy shorthan.........

Similar: 13%

Share Button

Share Buttons Widget is simple and easy to use. With Share Buttons Widget you can share your content at Facebook, Twitter, Google, Digg, Delicious and many more! After plugin activation you will be automatically redirected to your widgets page so you can configure the Share Buttons Widget in your .........

Similar: 8%

Meta Tags

With WP Meta Tags you can add meta tags in posts, pages, categories and more......

Similar: 7%

wizScriber™ Whiteboard Animation Software - Create Doodle Ads In Few Clicks

wizScriber is a unique plugin to create engaging whiteboard animated video messages quickly and easily without technical or design skills. It...

Similar: 5%


Features Plugin is available in English and in German the Button can be individualy created for every site or one button for the entire blog you can exclude sites which won't get a like button individual button position (before/after the content) add all available OpenGraph Meta-Tags including vid.........

Similar: 5%


The Affiliate plugin is a toolbox for Affiliate Marketers. It provides a set of tools that affiliate marketers can use to include marketing resources on their site. Current Features Keyword Linker : It's purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, .........

Similar: 5%

WP Optimize By xTraffic

Plugin WP Optimize By xTraffic automatically optimizes your WordPress site more useful and powerful through the special features. Everything is done completely automatically, and you can change the options from the administration settings panel....

Similar: 5%

Optimize Plugin

Optimize plugin deletes the unwanted records from trash in a wordpress site. For guides and tutorials, visit Smackcoders Documentation under Optimize. This plugin will remove orphaned Post/Page Meta,unassigned tags,Post/Page revisions,auto drafted Post/Page, Post/Page in trash,Spam Comments,Comment.........

Similar: 5%