AlixcaN More Ads

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The Whole Post

When you show partial posts on your main page or archives and you have "read more" links, clicking those links will redirect the visitor to a position in the post. The visitor will not see the post from the begining. This is bad if you have an ad at the top of your post cause the visitor will not .........

Similar: 40%

AdTaily Widget Light

Super simple widget for AdTaily ads. Shows ads in your widgetized sidebar. You must setup your website on first....

Similar: 10%


OmniAds can use very complex syntax to balance where and when ads are displayed and it's widget ready and supports many advertising networks like eBay, Amazon, Google Adsense, Captain Ad, Layer Ads, Contaxe and many more OmniAds supports you with channels and two types of units. With units of typ.........

Similar: 7%

WP DealPixel Ads

Allows you to insert the latest deals from in your sidebar. Easily earn money by joining the DealPixel affiliate network and driving traffic to! Make 25% off of each sale. A lot better than amazon, ebay, google ads, or most other affiliate networks. Find out more here. A.........

Similar: 7%

WordPress Mobile Gesture Monetization by errnio

The WordPress Mobile Gesture Monetization plugin from errnio adds a new revenue and engagement layer to your site with one simple installation. The plugin adds tools to enhance finger gestures on your mobile site, and improves user experience and monetization on your site, through unique search and .........

Similar: 7%

Amazon Einzeltitellinks

Mit diesem Plugin kannst du Einzeltitellinks von schnell und einfach in deinen WordPress Artikel integrieren. Der Amazon-Einzeltitel wird mit Text und Grafik mittels iframe integriert, sodass du die Artikelbilder nicht von Amazon downloaden musst. Das Plugin ermöglicht die Eingabe deiner P.........

Similar: 7%

Easy Peasy Adsense

An easy peasy way to insert Google Adsense ads into your WordPress posts and pages. All you need to do is put your Google Adsense code into the boxes provided and then put the corresponding tag into the post, page or sidebar widget that you wish it to appear. You can put as many of the 3 ads over .........

Similar: 7%

Ad Blocking Alert

Stop losing money on your google adsense and other ad network accounts by using Ad Blocking Alert! It can detect if your visitor is using ad blocking plugins such as AdBlock, and if so will popup a message asking the visitor to disable or add an exception before they can visit the site. You can com.........

Similar: 6%

Perfect Audience Retargeting

Perfect Audience lets you create Facebook and web retargeting campaigns in minutes that bring back lost customers and get you more sales and conversions. This plugin integrates your Perfect Audience code across your WordPress site so you can get started without editing code....

Similar: 6%

Post Snippet

A colourful display of your posts as a widget, with many options for content and colors change. The widget will display your post as a snippet on the sidebar or on the content area. The widget on-click behavior can be link to the post or as a vertical accordion which folds and shows the post content.........

Similar: 6%