
A big cloud of all your blog's tags is cool and all, but I thought it might be fun to try to integrate tags into the whole navigation scheme. Altocumulus will place a cloud of related tags at the top of your Category and Tag pages.

If people are interested and I have the time I'll try adding more functionality. Thanks for trying it out.

You can see a sample on the internet.

Logarithmic Pagination

This will give you an advanced pagination to distribute your link-juice more evenly across your paginated paged. It also provides a better choice of navigation to the user to explore and find your content. You can turn the pagination on/off separately for: homepage search results category archive.........

Similar: 38%

Random nvigation

Random navigation is a widget which provides an easy to use list based navigation menu with many features: This plugin requires PHP5! Features: * Start end and level can be configured * The menu root page can be configured * The page title of the menus parent can be used as widget title * By defau.........

Similar: 28%


Similarity displays a list of posts similar to the current post with similarity being determined based on tags, categories, or both. The display of the list is fully customizable including the ability to display the strength of the similarity as a value, percentage, color, or custom text/code. Anoth.........

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Complete dropdown tree navigation that contain pages, categories with posts, tags, authors and own menu....

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WP GitHub Sync Meta

Adds support for custom post meta for WordPress GitHub Sync Add tags and categories to guithub. This plugin Requires [Wordpress guithub Sync][] Related Links: Author Homepage On GitHub ...

Similar: 20%

Categories by Tag Table

'Categories by Tag Table' allows you to display all your Categories as rows and Tags as columns in a html pivot table. Once activated it will replace the text '[CATS_BY_TAGS_TABLE]' in any post or page with a table. Each cell displays the number of published posts that are in both the category and h.........

Similar: 19%

Super Tags Widget

The Super Tags plugin, is a customizable alternative to the default WordPress® Tag Cloud widget. This widget makes it possible for you to fully customize a Tag Cloud ( or multiple Tag Clouds ) to meet your specific needs. It takes the same options as the wp_tag_cloud() function. You can specify a nu.........

Similar: 12%

Import CSV with Ultimate CSV Importer

Import CSV data to WordPress is made very easy even for novice users as in few clicks and 3 simple steps with CSV Importer plugin. Now csv importer supports multi language and almost every WordPress modules and plugin fields as follows. Import data feed periodically from csv file as...

Similar: 4%

Social Share 2.0 - Social Bookmarks

This plugin adds a small widget within each blog post to share blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Digg, Surfpeople, and well over 100 more social bookmarking and sharing sites ....

Similar: 3%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 2%