By : pfefferle

This plugin creates an APML Feed using the the native WordPress-Tags, -Categories, -Links and -Feeds.

You can find a demo file here: notizBlog.org/apml.

WordPress Türkçe

Şu an için WordPress'de yazı,etiket veya kategori gibi adreslerde ŞşİıĞğÜüÖöÇç karakterlerini kullanmaya çalıştığınızda ssiigguuoocc haline gelmektedir. Kullanıcı adlarında ise bu karakterlere izin verilmemektedir. Bu eklenti sayesinde Türkçe karakterleri(ŞşİıĞğÜüÖöÇç) WordPress yazı,etiket veya kat.........

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TG Customized Tags

TG Customized Tags plugin provides a fully configurable tag-cloud through widget and shortcodes to display tags, categories or other taxonomy. Once installed, the settings of the TG Customized Tags plugin would be available for being changed from the 'TG Customized Tags' option in the 'Settings' me.........

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Taxonomy Switcher

This plugin allows you to select your "From", and "To" Taxonomies, to convert all terms. Optionally select a parent term to limit terms to switch. Typing term names will do a live search of terms with the name you are typing AND possess child terms. Plugin also has built-in support for WP-CLI. In t.........

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Shortlinks allows you to easily retrieve the shortlink for your WordPress posts, pages, categories, post_tags, attachments, custom post types, and custom taxonmies. By default, WordPress uses links a query string ( ie: http://blog.aizatto.com/?page_id=3565 ) to load up your posts, pages, categories.........

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Category Tag Pages

Adds categories and tags functionality for your pages. This plugin addsthe 'post_tag' and the 'category' taxonomies, which are the names of the existing taxonomies used for tags and categories the Post type 'page'. This enables the categories metabox and the tags metabox in the New or Edit Page in.........

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WP Category Tag Cloud

WP Category Tag Cloud provides a configurable widget displaying a cloud of tags, categories or any other taxonomy. The cloud elements can be displayed in different ways (see screenshots): as a flat list separated by spaces as a UL tag with the wp-tag-cloud class as price tags as rectangular tags .........

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Shortlinks By Path

Shortlinks By Path hooks into the WordPress filter get_shortlink to only return the path for a shortlink. This makes it easier to retrieve the shortlink url with an absolute path minus the domain name. By default WordPress returns the full path to your post when clicking "Get Shortlink". Shortlinks.........

Similar: 34%

Related Posts by Taxonomy

Quickly increase your readers' engagement by adding related posts in the sidebar or after post content with a widget or shortcode. Posts with the most terms in common will display at the top. This plugin is capable of finding related posts in multiple taxonomies and post types. Include or exclude te.........

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WordPress Shortcodes

WordPress Shortcodes is a free WordPress plugin that brings an amazing set of beautiful and useful elements to your site. The plugin comes bundled with the full set of elements, all absolutely free of charge. Learn how you can use WordPress Shortcodes to easily create import / export safe links to .........

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Import CSV with Ultimate CSV Importer

Import CSV data to WordPress is made very easy even for novice users as in few clicks and 3 simple steps with CSV Importer plugin. Now csv importer supports multi language and almost every WordPress modules and plugin fields as follows. Import data feed periodically from csv file as...

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