Auto Twitter Handle

This plugin adds some additional functionality to your content - whenever you enter someone's Twitter Handle (i.e. @Danny_Santoro ), it converts it to a link to their profile that opens in a new window. Quick, easy, and setup-free!

Social Count

Social Count wordpress plugin shows how many times someone Tweeted, Buzzed or shared on Facebook. This plugin also shows how many people added this post on their Delicious bookmark....

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WP Tags to Trendfo

This plugin will create Trendfo tags from native WordPress tags...

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This plugin will add a configurable widget to display social media icons in your widget area(s). Icons are 32x32, squared edges, and display inline. Supported social media links include: Twitter Facebook Google+ LinkedIn YouTube Pinterest RSS ** UPGRADE NOTICE ** A change has been made to the s.........

Similar: 17%

Pure Web Brilliant's Social Graph Twitter Cards Extention

Adds the following tags to your website's header where appropriate twitter:card twitter:title twitter:description twitter:url twitter:site twitter:site:id twitter:creator twitter:creator:id twitter:image ...

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HL Twitter

HL Twitter lets you display your tweets as a widget in your sidebar or even browse your entire Twitter history right on your blog. But it also does a whole lot more. You can track multiple Twitter accounts and store all of the tweets on your blog indefinitely (currently Twitter only keep your 3,200 .........

Similar: 17%

WordPress Image Hover Lite

Increase social sharing to boost your website traffic with WordPress Image Hover Lite. This plugin allows you to easily add social share icons on every images you've added via wordpress editor. Compatible with the brand new WordPress 4.3.1 :)...

Similar: 17%

Social Media with defered Javascript

Adds social media below your wordpress posts with defered Javascript for improved performance. Includes Twitter, Facebook like, google plus and Digg. This plugin adds the javascript to the bottom of the page and combined in to a single script. Styling included within the code so no extra CSS. The .........

Similar: 17%

Easy Twitter Feed Widget Plugin

Easy Twitter Feed Widget plugin uses the Twitter Widget without creating an API to display tweets on your WordPress site. There is no need to create Twitter application. Easy Twitter Feed Widget Plugin provides a nice interface to implement your tweets in an easy way. If you are planning to display.........

Similar: 17%

Free Social Media Icons & Follow/Newsletter Buttons (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus etc.)

This plugin helps you to connect with your readers on the most popular social media platforms and via Email, the most effective way to retain readers. The plugin is very simple as compared to other social media plugins. It includes Email, RSS, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Linkedin, Youtube and other .........

Similar: 17%

Social Media Popup

Plugin creates popup window with most popular social media widget. Upgrade to the Pro Version!...

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