Automatic Video Page

By : unknown

Este plugin permite crear contenido automatico y relevante para tu pagina. Hace llamadas a la API de la cual devuelve informacion relacionada con tu busqueda. Bastara con poner el titulo de tu post y el plugin se encargara de buscar el contenido relacionado poniendo un shortcode en tus post o pages. Por ej. [videos buscar="Adele" num="10"]. Este plugin es responsive. Contribuira con el posicionamiento SEO de tu pagina, ampliando su contenido en pocos segundos. Puedes crear cientos de paginas rapidamente. Por ej. Rihanna, Adele, Paul Simon, Eminem, etc, etc. [videos buscar="Rihanna" num="50"]. (num = max 50).

GoodFidelity Bar Music Video YouTube

Complements your website with a administrator of videos and music. It gives many functions to administer and manage video through a bottom bar that does not disturb the theme of your website. Users of your website can create their playlists and save them, can listen to music without interruption, ca.........

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Grooveshark Widget

This widget offers you a simple way to integrate Grooveshark Widget into your WordPress sidebar....

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Wayne Audio Player

The Wayne Audio Player is jQuery plugin that streams MP3s that is fixed at the bottom of pages. It creates a custom post type to easily manage songs and playlists. This player is responsive and displays well on all screen sizes. It works great on sites that use AJAX for site navigation so site visit.........

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Total Control HTML5 Audio Player Basic

The Total Control HTML5 Audio Player is jQuery plugin that streams audio and features a manageable playlist. Playlist rows can be dragged and dropped to rearrange song order. Also, users can choose which songs are to be skipped when repeat is enabled. FEATURES Flash fallback Rearrange playlist Ch.........

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Play Video of Song

Este plugin te permitira tener un boton en la parte lateral de tu web el cual muestra un reproductor de video de musica. Aprovecha la API de GOODFIDELITY para administrar contenido relevante....

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Bottom Bar with Music

Este es un plugin que te permitira tener una barra en la parte inferior de tu web con varias funciones. Podras ver tus ultimas publicaciones, las mas populares, ir aleatoriamente a alguno de tus post, tus visitantes te podran recomendar en las principales redes sociales. Tambien se muestra un menu c.........

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Allows you to organize music, pictures/images, and videos on an artist page. The artist page has jQuery-UI style tabs, and polls tags on posts for the artist's name and then files them into the Related Posts tab. It utilizes soundmanager2 and displays free songs on a player on the website. Recomm.........

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No Longer Supported......

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YourChannel: YouTube channel on your website

Do you create or curate YouTube videos? Now turn your website with YouTube links into an engagement platform. You don't need more storage or bandwidth, and your visitors hate leaving the webpage they've already loaded, so why don't you let them explore your channel in your own website. Tell this p.........

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Zedity Editor: The Best Way to Create Your Posts and Pages!

Would you like to make your WordPress experience much easier? Zedity enables you to create posts and pages as naturally as writing on paper! With absolutely no coding skills required, creating catchy and professional content becomes incredibly easy and quick for anyone! Zedity is available in .........

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