
By : allenhsu

There's a new version of aVideo called [Smart Video](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/smart-video/ Link to Smart Video), which is better for you to share videos. It's recommended to update to [Smart Video](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/smart-video/ Link to Smart Video).

Usage: Notice: id is the part marked with tag

YouTube: [youtube id ]

Tudou.com: [tudou id] http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Y2dE5FH-LwE/

Video.QQ.com: [qqvideo id] http://video.qq.com/videopl.htm?v=2HTaRoQGRNr&i=1

Mofile.com: [mofile id] Alert: this id comes from the "Forum Code" http://tv.mofile.com/cn/xplayer.swf?v=A41L6TYX&type=list&autoplay=0&nowSkin=0_0

UUme.com: [uume id] http://www.uume.com/play_zdLLLAqLedut

YouKu.com: [youku id] http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_ce00XODI1ODQ3Ng==.html Alert: including "=" but excluding "00" and words before "00"

Normal Flash: [flash id] And id is URL of the Flash Sorry, size fixed on 400 * 300

Feedback is appreciated: http://www.imallen.com/blog/works/2007/09/avideo-allens-wordpress-video-plugin/

Smart Video

A plugin for WordPress to display flash videos. Such as TuDou, QQ Video, Ku6, Sina Video, YouKu, Sohu Video, YouTube, Vimeo, Mofile and so on. You can user short tags such as [youtube id=fY4Epc2XSGc ] to insert videos. It also adds a TinyMCE plugin for you to insert videos more conveniently....

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This plugin enable insert flash movies into WordPress using SWFObject with simple quicktag [swf][/swf] . Features Easy install and easy use on content and widgets Insert Flash movie with simple shortcode Panel for easy configuration Allow config flash player version required Allow config message .........

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This plugin manages the JW FLV MEDIA PLAYER 5.1 and makes it easy for you to put music, videos or flash movies onto your WordPress posts and pages. Various skins for the JW PLAYER are available via http://www.longtailvideo.com wordTube supports the streaming video format (Format .flv or .swf), s.........

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postTube requires wordTube version 1.60+ to be installed. It displays wordTube playlist with html/css codes to make them more user friendly and easier to integrate into theme design. If Post-Thumb Revisited is installed and highslide activated, the player can be set into a popup window....

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Flash Video Player

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Shortcoder is a plugin which allows to create a custom shortcode and store HTML, Javascript and other snippets in it. So if that shortcode is used in any post or pages, then the code stored in the shortcode get exceuted in that place. Check out the LIVE DEMO of the plugin...

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Video Converter

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Blubrry PowerPress Podcasting plugin

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WordPress Video

Gives the opportunity to embed in post any video from: Youtube.com, videos.sapo.pt, google, vimeo.com and more!!!! Example Usage: Youtube [video type="youtube" id="XXXXXXXXXXXXX" width="400"]Default Message[/video] Videos Sapo [video type="sapo" id="XXXXXXXXXXXXX" width="400"] Vimeo [video ty.........

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