Awebsome Browser Selector for CACHING

Quick, Non-technical Overview

If you use the Awebsome! Broswer Selector plugin AND a caching plugin (e.g. WP SuperCache), the wrong body classes will be served to your site visitors and could cause your site to render incorrectly. This plugin overcomes that limitation of ABS!

CSS Cache Buster

CSS Cache Buster does one very simple but very powerful thing: it ensures that your Wordpress blog delivers the very latest version of your CSS stylesheet to your visitors, no matter how often or how rarely your edit for CSS. You no longer need to worry that you've made a CSS change that others w.........

Similar: 43%

Hyper Cache Clear Link

This plugin just adds a link in admin bar to clear the cache generated by Hyper Cache plugin. The link also shows the number of cached pages. It has no Settings page, no UI, it just displays a new entry in admin bar. Only users that have 'manage_option' capability will see the link (same as Hyper C.........

Similar: 17%

Comet Cache

If you care about the speed of your site, Comet Cache is one of those plugins that you absolutely MUST have installed :-) Comet Cache takes a real-time snapshot (building a cache) of every Page, Post, Category, Link, etc. These snapshots are then stored (cached) intuitively, so they can be reference.........

Similar: 16%

WP Super Cache - Clear all cache

The plugin clears completely the cache from WP Super Cache, directly from the admin menu. We created this plugin, in order to be able to clear the cache completely from the admin menu and not having to navigate to CONTENTS tab in WP Super Cache Settings. In some configuration WP Super Cache show.........

Similar: 16%

WP Nav Menu Cache

"WP Nav Menu Cache" plugin help you to make your WordPress dynamic navigation menu to a static menu. For each page visit WordPress run some MySQL query and complex PHP codes to generate navigation menu that you are using on front-end. Your menu content is not being changed until you change that manu.........

Similar: 15%

Better Related Posts

Custom post types are one the best features in WordPress. Since WordPress 3.0 they are much easier to use. Almost every theme I build for a client features at least one custom post type and usually a custom taxonomy as well. But there is a problem. There is no plugin that lists related posts that a.........

Similar: 14%

Speed Up - Menu

For each menu, wordpress reads data from the database and elaborated the results. This process, repeated at each page view, is a waste time and resource. This plugin offers a caching solution that reduces this effects on performance. The only downside is that the menu will not show the active item.........

Similar: 14%

JCH Optimize

Speed up your WordPress site instantly with JCH Optimize! This plugin provides all the front end optimizations you need to optimize your website download speed. Core feature is to automatically aggregate CSS and javascript files to reduce the number of http requests made by the browser to download y.........

Similar: 8%

Admin Flush W3TC Cache

Adds "Empty All Caches" link to the top of every Admin page. Clicking the link clears all caches and returns you to your current page. No need to go to Performance options anymore, just clear the cache from wherever you are. Requires the W3 Total Cache plugin, so make sure it is installed and activ.........

Similar: 6%

W3 Total Cache

The only WordPress Performance Optimization (WPO) framework; designed to improve user experience and page speed. Recommended by web hosts like:, Synthesis, DreamHost, MediaTemple, Go Daddy, Host Gator and countless more. Trusted by countless companies like: AT&T,, matt.........

Similar: 4%