AWS SNS Plugin

By : unknown

This plugin is created to send push notifications to different devices using Amazon Simple Notification Service. It connects with the Amazon SNS and fetch all the Topics created. And publish messages to that topics.

To use this plugin you must need following things. 1. Amazon web service account. 2. Amazon API "Access Key ID" and "Secret Access Key". 3. Create atleast one topic in SNS.

Following payload is send to the selected topic, togather with the title and message you provide.

{ "default": "[MESSAGE]", "APNS": "{\"aps\":{\"alert\": \"[MESSAGE]\"} }", "APNS_SANDBOX":"{\"aps\":{\"alert\":\"[MESSAGE]\"}}", "GCM": "{ \"data\": { \"message\": \"[MESSAGE]\", \"title\": \"[TITLE]\", \"datetime\": \"[DATETIME]\" } }", "MPNS" : "1[MESSAGE]", "WNS" : "" }

In above payload following tags are replaced by the data provided. [TITLE] -> The title you provide. [MESSAGE] -> The message you provide. [DATETIME] -> server current datetime.

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