Back End Instructions

By : Doodlebee

WordPress developers: ever written awesome custom functions and script work for client's site? Then you provide said client with instructions - either via printed manual, video tutorials, or even emails - but no matter how many ways you tell them how to use the site you just made for them, they keep asking you for instructions?

I've found this is typically because most clients want instructions that appear "in your face". They like immediate answers to their questions - they don't want to have to find that file, or search their email for the answers. It's much faster for them to just call you and ask what to do.

This plugin solves the issue. Now there can be no more excuses for not finding the answers you've already supplied for them ad nauseum.

WP Help

Site operators can create detailed, hierarchical documentation for the site's authors, editors, and contributors, viewable in the WordPress admin. Powered by Custom Post Types, you get all the power of WordPress to create, edit, and arrange your documentation. Perfect for customized client sites. Ne.........

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Better Contextual Help

Extend your dashboard help by adding new tabs or replacing old ones. You can add tab for the specific roles and screens. You can export and import content help. Go to the settings to be able to post for help....

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weDocs - the documentation plugin

Create great looking documentation for your products. Organize your product documentation in your site, beautifully! Documentation Github You can host docs inside your WordPress, create/add new docs, organize with ordering, tags and even fetch docs from external sites using this plugin. This pl.........

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Documentor - Create Product Documentation

Easily create Online Product Guide or Help Document on WordPress site. Add sections, change colors and embed. Sections can be custom posts, regular posts or pages. Documentor was built with the idea to make plugin, theme or any other product developer's life easier by cutting the documentation time.........

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OSToolbar shows training videos inside your WordPress admin panel. produces hundreds of training videos every year. We wanted to make it easier for WordPress users to see those videos without coming to our site each time. Using the OSToolbar is as easy as: Install, Activate, Watch. .........

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UserDeck Customer Support

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WPBizPlugins Custom Admin Help Boxes

Tired of clients calling you to ask what to think about when creating blog posts? Tired answering the same questions again and again? Want to add your own help videos to the admin dashboard? Ever wish there was an easy way to just add your own instructions and help material to the WordPress help sec.........

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WP Documentation Lite

WP Documentation Lite is an flexible but easy to use plugin that will boost up the normal speed of creating a documentation. The plugin provides beautiful layout, features and settings that will make your documentation easy, readable and attractive. The plugin accepts various range of file types, em.........

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Seriously Simple Podcasting

Seriously Simple Podcasting is an easy-to-use podcasting solution for WordPress that is as powerful as it is simple. It uses a native WordPress interface and has minimal settings so as not to distract you from what you really need to do - publish your content. Primary Features Simple settings so .........

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WP App Studio

WP App Studio allows you to build advanced sites in the form of WordPress plugins without writing a single line of PHP code. WP App Studio Plugin is the tool you use to design your plugin and send it for code generation. Create your own plugin and move on....

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