bbp buddypress profile information

By : unknown

This plugin for buddypress and bbpress adds up to 4 buddypress fields to display under the authors name and avatar in topics and replies

The web administrator sets up the field names in buddypress, and the buddypress users populate their details in their profile.

  • Many sites would like to have the forum user's location, so city and state, or country can be set up as fields
  • On a gaming site you could fields like favourite game, platform, level achieved, highest score, favourite character.
  • On a diet site you could let users have target weight, diet plan, weight lost so far etc.
  • On a film site you could have favourite film, best actor, film genre.
  • Or on a golf site you could have handicap.

In fact up to 4 pieces of information that your forum users might want to display.

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