BBP manage subscriptions

By : casiepa

Manage your bbPress WordPress users by subscribing them to and unsubscribing them from a forum with a simple click, all on one central table. Show bbP-Private-Groups membership (if installed).

WARNING: All global options are moved to a seperate plugin, please install if you installed this plugin and used global options.

Current features include:

  • Subscribe users to a forum just by clicking the grey button next to their name
  • Unsubscribe users to a forum just by clicking the blue button next to their name
  • Hide roles and/or forums you are not interested in
  • Show only a subset of your wordpress users you are interested in
  • Show first level of subforums
  • Show bbP-Private-Groups membership (if plugin is installed)

Future versions will take into considerations:

  • (Un)subscribing from a forum will (un)link from the private group (if "bbP Private Groups" is installed)
  • Bulk actions
  • Find a different way of displaying bbP-Private-Groups in the table
  • Show all levels of subforums