bbPress Forum Redirect

Allows you to override the default behaviour of bbPress forums, linking them to an external site. bbPress Forum Redirect requires no real configuration... it simply adds a metabox to the forum edit screen allowing you to specify an override URL.

bbPress Pencil Unread

bbPress Pencil Unread display which bbPress forums/topics have already been read by the logged user; and adds classes to forums/topics so you can customize your theme easily. Compatible with BuddyPress Groups Forums feature. For forums, it checks if the user has visited the forum since it was last.........

Similar: 50%

BuddyPress - New UI

A great plugin changes the interface of the BuddyPress: now it looks beautiful, fresh and in dark/light colors with plugin settings (SOON). The plugin integrated with plugin "bbPress New UI". If you have an idea for plugin - just write me in! Features: Redesigned all sections of .........

Similar: 29%

BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts

BuddyPress 1.6 compatible. Users can rate forum posts in BuddyPress. Good posts are highlighted and poor posts diminished. Highlighted karma points shown for each user. Only works with forums for groups; not compatible with site wide forums. Features & Options: * Post rating and responses via.........

Similar: 25%

bbPress Messages Lite - Forum Users Private Messages

bbPress Messages - User Private Messages with notifications, widgets and media with no BuddyPress needed. Send and receive private messages from bbPress users on the forums easily. Embeds are detected atomatically from message text such as YouTube videos so no need for formatting the message text a.........

Similar: 24%

bbPress Search Widget

Great Helper Tool for bbPress 2.3+ ;-) This small and lightweight plugin is pretty much like the regular, packaged bbPress search widget but just offers up to 13 awesome options for you! For example, easily change the search, placeholder and button texts. Also, set visibility options or add opt.........

Similar: 17%

GD bbPress Tools

Adds various expansions and tools to the bbPress 2.x plugin implemented forums. Currently included features: BBCode shortcodes support Quote Reply or Topic User signature with BBCode and HTML support Additional custom views Basic topics search results view Toolbar menu integration Limit bbPress ad.........

Similar: 16%

GoUrl BBPRESS - Add Premium Membership with Bitcoin/Altcoin Payments

It will add Premium Membership and Bitcoin/Altcoin Gateway to your bbPress Forum & Customer Support System. You can mark some topics on your forum/customer support system as Premium and can easily monetise it with Bitcoins/altcoins. Pay to read bbPress Premium Topics and Replies, Pay to add new .........

Similar: 11%

CubePoints Buddypress Integration

Adds CubePoints support to Buddypress. Reward members using your BuddyPress portion of your website by giving them points and awards! IMPORTANT: You will need to install CubePoints (at least version 3.0.1) first. Integrates with the CubePoints Giveaway & Betting System See full details on how .........

Similar: 7%

CM Answers

CM Answers is a plugin for WordPress that enables users to post questions and answers (Q&A) in a Stackoverflow style. Plugin also includes social media registration using Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+, Twitter & Microsoft Live authentication. The CM Answers discussion forum plugin has many o.........

Similar: 6%

GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway & Paid Downloads & Membership

GoUrl Official Bitcoin/Altcoin Payment Gateway for WordPress. See Screenshots -

Similar: 5%