bbPress WP Tweaks

By : veppa

bbPress WP Tweaks replaces regular sidebar with forum specific sidebar. When forum page loaded then forum specific sidebar will be displayed. If nothing in forum sidebar then regular sidebar will be shown. If no sidebar displayed then change default template from plugin settings. you can choose which forum wrapper template to use in plugin settings page.


  • bbPress specific sidebar instead of main sidebar.
  • default wrapper for forum pages
  • bbPress login links widget

bbPress specific sidebar - you can use different sidebar on forum pages. Supports most widgets enabled templates that use main sidebar.

default wrapper for forum pages - bbPRess uses wrapper file in your theme in this order: 'bbpress.php', 'forum.php', 'page.php', 'single.php', 'index.php'. you can choose which teplate to check first. Most templates don't have sidebar in 'page.php', 'single.php' files. 'index.php' always has sidebar. If you cannot see forum sidebar then change this value to index.php in plugin settings (settins -> bbPress WP Tweaks ) page.

bbPress login links widget - if you want to display login and register links instead of login form in your sidebar then use this widget. By default bbPress will not show login links to visitors if they want to post in forum. Use this widget instead of login form in your bbPress sidebar.

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