Best Custom CSS

Custom Css plugin help you to manage your css files quickly and efficiently, directly from your dashboard. Overcoming the problems of IE is an everyday issue, which guzzles time and effort. With this plugin the administration of css files in your site becomes fast and easy as you are able to write css code from the admin panel for IE in separated files, and for all the other browsers in a single customized file. An option to edit your admin panel css file is also available, for customizing your own admin panel.

Stop Oldies

This plugin detects if a visitor is using some old version of Internet Explorer and suggests to upgrade to a recent browser. The versions to block can be configured in an admin panel. Works for blocking IE6, IE7 and IE8. Localisation of the plugin into french....

Similar: 43%

Style Press

This plugin will allow you to add CSS style definitions to your entire site, or individual posts or pages. All of your definitions are added last so they can override any other styles, even styles from other plugins....

Similar: 40%

Browser Specific CSS

The Browser Specific CSS plugin is a tool that allows developers to easily target different browsers straight from the stylesheet. Browser Specific CSS adds a short javascript to the head of your page that enables you to use browser specific css selectors. For example, targeting Internet Explorer 7 .........

Similar: 34%

Internet Explorer Alert!

Internet Explorer Alert is created to Alert visitor to use Recommended Browser like Firefox, Chrome etc. That is if anyone browse your site with Internet Explorer, he/she will alert from your site to use Recommended web Browser accordingly as your settings. Also, they will get the Recommended web .........

Similar: 34%

Ajax Awesome CSS

If you are tired of saving css/js with the reloading of the page then this plugin fits your need. This plugin works on ajax functionality and will save your css through ajax and it will not reload your page. Also you will not need to change the theme files or plugin files. Just install this plugin a.........

Similar: 30%

Custom WP CSS & JS

Override your style.css or theme style and insert your custom javascript/jquery using "Custom WP CSS & JS" plugin. Use this plugin if you don't want to create any extra css or js files in your theme. Main Features: Easy to use You can place your JS code in Header / Footer - Option availble Bu.........

Similar: 23%

IE6 Upgrade Option

Plugin URL IE6 Upgrade Option utilizes the 25K script created by Free the Foxes: as a WordPress plugin. Originally this plugin utilized a smaller 7K script but it's limits had been met in terms of language support, ease-of.........

Similar: 16%

Advanced Browser Check

This plugin requires PHP 5.3 or above This plugin give you the option to give a visitor of your site a warning popup if they use a browser that you don't support. For example, Internet Explorer 9 or lover. It supports the 5 largest and most popular browser on the market. Firefox Chrome Safari Op.........

Similar: 14%

Visual Theme Customizer

Take a look to Live Plugin Demo and for all features Upgrade to Pro Version Yellow Pencil is a useful visual customizer WordPress plugin that you can use with any theme to make personalizing your website much easier also you can customize any plugin pages. Woocommerce pages, Contact from 7 page e.........

Similar: 12%

Browser Body Classes with Shortcodes

Adds browser-specific body classes for styling, and shortcodes to show or hide content to/from specified browsers and devices. As of v1.6, compatible with WordPress 3.9. As of v1.5, includes new body classes, including catch-alls like: desktop, handheld, mobile, and tablet. As of v1.4, includes Sh.........

Similar: 9%