Better Email Validation

Better Email Validation

Provides better email validations to protect your blog from spam comments and bots creating accounts. It does deep validation to make sure the email account exists on the server. It requires fsockopen to be available and ability to connect to port 25.

More information - Other WordPress plugins by Vijay Sharma - Contact Vijay on Twitter: @sharmavijay79


This plugin will add a shortcode that can be used to stop spambots from harvesting emails entered into your WordPress editor while creating pages or posts. To use, just wrap your email address in the [email] shortcode: [email][/email] The result will be a hyperlinked email addre.........

Similar: 50%


Protect your email address from spam bots. In other words "fool the bots". With the "nospam" short code, you can use antispambot function on text widgets, posts, pages, post excerpts and category, tag, taxonomy descriptions too. To use, just place your email address in the [nospam] shortcode: [nos.........

Similar: 40%

DBD Mailto Encoder

Spam is one of the most frustrating things about the internet. And, even more frustrating is how spiders scrape blogs and other sites for email addresses to spam. Wouldn't it be nice if you could put mailto links just how you were taught, without fear of spiders? Well now you can! With this plugin, .........

Similar: 23%

LH Signing

This plugin is can be used for petitions, events, or any verified list and as far as I know is unique in WordPress. Creating a petition/list/signup is as easy as adding a shortcode to a post or page (or CPT). From there additional editors are available to configure easch aspect of the sign up. Ever.........

Similar: 15%

WP Mailto Links - Manage Email Links

Protect your email addresses and manage mailto links on your site, set mail icon, styling and more....

Similar: 15%

WP Valid Email

WP Valid Email is a WordPress plugin which offers suggestions to users who mis-type their email address when entering it on your website. This is a common problem and can lead to loads of missed subscribers and customers. WP Valid Email will offer suggestions for the most popular domains and the u.........

Similar: 14%

No Disposable Email

This plugin prevent people from registering with a disposable email addresses like the ones provided by mailinator. It protects your most important asset, your registered user base, by preventing contamination by fake accounts. This plugin working principle is similar to spam blacklists....

Similar: 12%

Email Address Encoder

A lightweight plugin to protect plain email addresses and mailto links from email-harvesting robots by encoding them into decimal and hexadecimal entities. Has effect on the posts, pages, comments, excerpts and text widgets. No UI, no shortcode, no JavaScript — just simple spam protection....

Similar: 10%


Protecting your website against theft is now considered mandatory for website owners. Why It Is important to protect your online content from being copied. Of course, any thief intent on copying your material will not be thwarted by this, but we believe that it does serve to reduce theft to a degree.........

Similar: 6%

WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam

An exceptionally powerful and user-friendly WordPress anti-spam plugin that eliminates comment spam, trackback spam, contact form spam & registration spam....

Similar: 3%