Better Visit Site Link

Better Visit Site Link is a plugin that places a new visit site link to your WordPress admin bar that is always visible and also open in a new tab.

A very simple and basic plugin, but still one of the most popular plugins among our clients.

Enjoy the better visit site link.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the plugin: Your WP Expert

LDB External Links

LDB External Links turns all your links with target="_blank" into rel="external" and uses Javascript to open them in a new window or tab....

Similar: 55%

Visit Site

This plugin Makes Visit Site Link in your admin screen open in new tab. When activated you will get Visit Site Link in the upper right of your admin screen on every page. Features in Visit Site include: Visit Site Link in your admin screen open in new tab. It's fast open your website. ...

Similar: 55%

Outbound Links

To avoid Google bans when you have outgoing links considered as paid links, you must add the rel="nofollow" to every outgoung link. This plugin adds it for you. If you want outgoing link to open in a new window, this plugin add the correct attribute to every link it finds. Links manipulation is li.........

Similar: 38%

External Linker

You know how target="_blank" is invalid in XHTML strict? Well, this plugin uses a Javascript hack to get around this. The code was originally taken from this thread I came across: For posts/pages, the plugin will automatically captures any target="_bl.........

Similar: 38%

rel="external" in a New Window

rel="external" is now the XHTML valid version that informs search engine spiders that the link is external. However, using this does not open the link in a new window. target="_blank" and target="_new" does this, but is not XHTML valid. This very simple plugin adds a small JS file to your header to.........

Similar: 28%

Urlink - Links Manager and Blogroll

Manage favorites links easily and group by categories and/or tags. Each links can be set by using direct or redirect and open it in new or current tab....

Similar: 25%

Link Indication

Link Indication adds CSS class attributes to external links and optionally specific attributes to any other link types such as, flickr, imdb, file extensions like .pdf or .zip, etc. Thereby you can indicate your links, e.g. by images, for characterizing your types of links. Furthermore.........

Similar: 22%

WP External Links (nofollow new window seo)

Configure settings for all external links on your site....

Similar: 20%


English description below German version ......

Similar: 8%


The Affiliate plugin is a toolbox for Affiliate Marketers. It provides a set of tools that affiliate marketers can use to include marketing resources on their site. Current Features Keyword Linker : It's purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, .........

Similar: 5%