Better WordPress Google XML Sitemaps (with sitemapindex, multi-site and Google News sitemap support)

With BWP GXS you will no longer have to worry about the 50,000 URL limit or the time it takes for a sitemap to be generated. This plugin is fast, consumes much less resource and can be extended via your very own modules (yes, no hooks needed!). Here's a demo of the sitemapindex if you are interested.

Google News Sitemap Support (since 1.2.0)

Add a Google News sitemap to your sitemapindex easily. News sitemap can be used to ping search engines individually if you want. And of course, whenever you publish a new post in a news category, all selected search engines will be pinged.

Sitemapindex Support

Sitemapindex, as its name suggests, is one kind of sitemaps that allows you to group multiple sitemaps files inside it. Sitemapindex, therefore, gives you many benefits, such as: possibility to bypass the 50,000 URL limit (you can have 10 custom sitemaps, each has 10000 URLs), or possibility to make the generation time much faster (because each sitemap is requested separately and is built by its own module), etc.

Splitting post-based sitemaps (since 1.1.0)

As of version 1.1.0, this plugin can automatically split large post sitemaps into smaller ones. You can set a limit for each small sitemap. For example if you have 200K posts and would like to have 10K posts for each sitemap, BWP GXS will then split post.xml into 20 parts (i.e. from post_part1.xml to post_part20.xml). This helps you bypass the 50,000 URLs limit without having to build your custom modules, and also helps make your sitemaps smaller, lighter, and of course faster to generate. This plugin has been tested on sites that have nearly 200K posts and it took less than 1 second to generate the sitemapindex.

Multi-site Support

Each website within your network will have its own sitemapindex and sitemaps. For sub-domain installation, your sitemapindex will appear at For sub-folder installation, your sitemapindex will appear at And of course, there's always a sitemapindex for your main site, available at If you choose the sub-domain approach, each sub-domain can also have its own robots.txt.

Custom sitemaps using modules

The unrivaled flexibility this plugin offers is the ability to define your custom sitemaps using modules. Each module is a actually .php file that tell BWP Google XML Sitemap how to build a sitemap file. You can extend default modules or create completely new ones. This plugin also comes with a convenient base class for developing modules with easy to use and thoroughly documented API. Since modules can be defined by you, there's no limitation what a sitemap can have (for example you can bypass the 50,000 URL limit, as stated above). There's one limitation, though: your imagination ;) . Oh, did I mention that you can even use module to create another sitemapindex?

Detailed Sitemap Log and Debug

Developing modules needs debugging and this plugin makes that so easy for any developers.

There are two kinds of logs: sitemap item log and sitemap generation log. Sitemap item log tells you what and when sitemaps are generated while sitemap generation log tells you how they are generated.

As of version 1.3.0 there are two debug modes, namely "Debug" and "Debug extra", read more here to know how to make the most out of them.

For a complete feature list, please visit this plugin's official page

Please don't forget to rate this plugin 5 shining stars if you like it, thanks!

Important Notes

If you have any problem using this plugin, refer to the FAQ section for possible solutions, and workarounds.

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  • Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) - Thanks to Richer Yang!
  • Romanian (ro_RO) - Thanks to Luke Tyler!
  • Spanish (es_ES) - Thanks to Ruben Hernandez -

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