Better WP Search

Better WP Search improves the default WordPress search functionality currently in two ways:

  1. If there is only one search result, redirect to that post; and
  2. Replaces search URL from /?s=query to /search/query.

The plugin will offer more features in the future. If you have a suggestion? Use the plugin's forum to make suggestions.

Meta Description

Plugin that allows you to easily give individual posts and pages an HTML meta description from the edit post/pages admin area....

Similar: 19%

Auto eCommerce SEO

Currently, only compatible with WooCommerce This is an SEO plugin that is based on the automation ideas from a previous SEO plugin. Each product page will be optimized to the following format: Product Name | Product Category | Product Category The last two keyword phrases are automatically pulle.........

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Google Keyword Suggest

WordPress is the most used content management system on the Internet. Millions of new contents get published every day. Therefore the team of SEOmotion wanted to improve keyword and topic research for WordPress users to do even better search engine optimization and write awesome pieces of content a .........

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Robots.txt rewrite

Plugin provide to help search engines to indexing site correctly. A simple plugin to manage your robots.txt. Plugin donn't create the file or edit it. This plugin edit WordPress output of robots.txt content. And get you a easy and usable interface to manage it....

Similar: 19%

Author hReview

Add hReview and AggregateRating support based on, which help you increase search traffic by making SERP results more eye-catching. This plugin supports only the editorial ratings submission (editor/author rating), this means customers and site visitors are not involved in the rating or re.........

Similar: 8%

Lazy SEO

The Lazy SEO plugin will automatically create exact match SEO keyword/location combinations for SEO title tags and meta descriptions that randomly rotate with each refresh using SEO best practices. In addition, if you check the box to replace h1's, it will add an exact match h1 to the content, or r.........

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AskApache Google 404

AskApache Google 404 is a sweet and simple plugin that takes over the handling of any HTTP Errors that your blog has from time to time. The most common type of error is when a page cannot be found, due to a bad link, mistyped URL, etc.. So this plugin uses some AJAX code, Google Search API'S, and .........

Similar: 8%

SEO Friendly Social Links

Insert SEO friendly/neutral links to social networks and bookmarking services. This plugin is proudly provided by If you don't know yet, find out what a SEO friendly link is. These Links can be inserted automatically above or below each post or manually (e.g. in the theme). The.........

Similar: 8%

Proofread Bot

Why Proofread Bot? Good grammar and style gets more customers in business and better grades at school, and now you can get automated help for perfecting your writing with just one click with Proofread Bot. This tool utilizes cutting edge natural language processing to identify difficult grammatica.........

Similar: 7%

Search Box Google par JM Créa

Search Box Google par JM Créa permet d’intégrer le mini moteur de recherche de votre site dans les résultats Google. Le plugin est paramétrable et le code javascript se place automatiquement entre les balises head....

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