Blue Cube Mighty Gravity Forms

This plugin adds some additional features to the Gravity Forms plugin:

  • Input ID change (if the form has not received any entries yet)
  • Advanced input validations
  • Form access control


MailPoet Gravity Forms Add-on

This plugin requires MailPoet plugin and Gravity Forms plugin. This simple plugin adds a new field for you to allow your visitors to subscriber to your MailPoet newsletters....

Similar: 43%

Gravity Forms CSS Themes with Fontawesome and Placeholders

If you are looking for placeholders, FontAwesome Icons or Custom Css Themes for Gravity forms, relax. You can read all this or see what this free version can do at Gravity Forms CSS Themes . The free version has fully working FontAwesome Icons and placeholder, the only limitation are 2 themes (7 in.........

Similar: 43%

GravityWP - Count

Generate your shortcode here Most simple version of the shortcode (display number of total entries Gravity Forms for a form): [gravitywp_count formid=""] Most extensive version of the shortcode (display the total count of a number field from multiple Gravity Forms entries with up to five filters a.........

Similar: 43%

Gravity Forms Light Blue API Add-On

Link your WordPress site to Light Blue Light Blue is a business management system designed specifically for professional photographers. If you're using the Gravity Forms plugin on your WordPress site, you can use this add-on to link your forms directly to your Light Blue account....

Similar: 38%

OptionTree Extension: Gravity Forms

Integrate Gravity Forms with Option Tree, and add support for yourself or your customers to easily link to Gravity Forms from your Option Tree options panel....

Similar: 31%

Forms: 3rd-Party Integration

Send Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, or Ninja Forms Submissions to a 3rd-party Service, like a CRM. Multiple configurable services, custom field mapping. Provides hooks and filters for pre/post processing of results. Allows you to send separate emails, or attach additional results to existing emai.........

Similar: 28%

Gravity Forms ExactTarget Add-on

This plugin requires the amazing Gravity Forms plugin. Don't use Gravity Forms? Get the plugin, then start using this great plugin! ...

Similar: 20%

Gravity Forms + Stripe

Stripe allows you to process credit cards directly on your site, securely and easily, without having to deal with merchant accounts, PCI-compliance, or PayPal. This Gravity Forms add-on integrates Stripe with your forms using Stripe.js to make sure sensitive card information never hits your server. .........

Similar: 19%

Pronamic iDEAL

Easy installation and configuration Automatic updates ...

Similar: 14%

WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam

An exceptionally powerful and user-friendly WordPress anti-spam plugin that eliminates comment spam, trackback spam, contact form spam & registration spam....

Similar: 4%