Books You’ve Read

It’s important to write about what you’ve read. For a long time I’ve been meaning to write blog posts for all of the books that I’ve read recently but found that I got lost when it came time to begin the process. So I created a plugin that makes it easy to keep track! Basically, it’s a good-looking way to write about the books you’ve read and display them on your website. I utilize some basic prompts to help you extract the meaningful parts of the book and the plugin then creates a blog post entry from this information. Presently the prompts are: -Date Finished -Book Summary -What Did You Learn from the Book? -Any Final Thoughts?

If you have any recommendations for other prompts to use please let me know at and I’d be happy to consider them!

GR Progress Widget

This is a "set it and forget it" widget which allows you to display shelves and reading progress from your Goodreads profile. You can add multiple widgets and configure them individually to show multiple shelves. Some configuration options: Large/small cover images Message to display if shelf is .........

Similar: 40%


This plugin shows the image and the title of the book you are currently reading in the sidebar. The plugin gets this information from your Bookwormr reading list. Bookwormr is a completely free service where book lovers can list the books they are reading, have read and would like to read. Users can.........

Similar: 40%

Douban Book Image

Just another Currently Reading Plugin. Provides a cool books widget in you sidebar, and displays a cover image of a book with a link to Douban Books Webpage based on a supplied ISBN-10 or ISBN-13. Show people what you are reading now. This plugin is for those books that cannot found the cover image.........

Similar: 34%

Pan Macmillan Book Extracts

This plugin creates a shortcode for displaying extracts directly from the Pan Macmillan extracts API ( You can use this to show the selected extract (usually the first chapter) of a book you are blogging about within your post. This works with any book published by Pan Mac.........

Similar: 34%

Currently Reading

Supplying an ISBN (and, optionally, a Title) will display a cover image of the relevant book with a link to that book's page on Google Books using the Google Books API. Using the Widget you can choose whether to: Pad the Image (selected by default, uses internal CSS) Display a Box-Shadow (selecte.........

Similar: 29%


Display "Badges" (which are really no more than HTML snippets) from a set of files in a specified directory off the root of the blog. The directory will default to "./badges" and the Zip file contains both that directory as well as a "Sample" badge. Using the Widget you can choose whether to: ena.........

Similar: 29%

My Reading Library

My Reading Library is a very heavy modification of the Now Reading Redux plugin by Ashod Nakashian which is a resurrection of the Now Reading Reloaded plugin by Ben Gunnink which is a fork of the Now Reading plugin by Rob Miller. It allows you to develop a library, show the book details, track your.........

Similar: 29%

BNC BiblioShare

The BNC BiblioShare plugin is for book reviewers, book bloggers, library webmasters, anyone who wants to put book covers and data on their WordPress blog or website. Use the plugin button in the WordPress visual editor or insert a 'shortcode' with a book number in a WordPress post, page or widget. T.........

Similar: 17%

Progress Bar (Edition for Readers)

This plugin indicates progress made on books. Important: Your theme needs to support widgets to show the progressbar in the sidebar/widget area. Major features in Progressbar (Edition for Readers) 0.6 include: Added: Support for new WP 3.5 media library. ...

Similar: 16%

My Google Books Library

IMPORTANT: I have stopped development of this plugin, as my knowledge is too limited to fix the bugs that some users experience. Anyone who would like to take over the development can contact me in this regard. For an alternative plugin that does basically the same thing see: Google Bookshelves, I .........

Similar: 10%