Bootstrap Shortcodes

WordPress plugin to add shortcodes for Twitter Bootstrap 3.3

Shortcodes Bootstrap

This is an updated fork of DW Shortcodes Bootstrap ( Shortcodes Bootstrap allow quick and easy implementation of WordPress shortcodes by the rich-editor for TinyMCE coming along with responsive feature and the sleek twitter bootstrap style. B.........

Similar: 88%

Bootstrap Shortcodes for WordPress

Just The Shortcodes, Please Plenty of great WordPress plugins focus on providing or including the Bootstrap library into your site. Bootstrap Shortcodes for WordPress assumes you're working with a theme that already includes Bootstrap 3 and focuses on giving you a great set of shortcodes to use it .........

Similar: 84%

Impulse Shortcodes

Often WordPress developers need to include Bootstrap and FontAwesome to their themes. The Impulse Shortcodes plugin does precisely that and offers shortcodes for Twitter Bootstrap components and FontAwesome icons. Later versions will include other usual features like embedding YouTube videos, pictu.........

Similar: 80%

Fusion : Extension - Map

The Map Element embeds a responsive map into the page. There are 2 built in map types: Google Map Embed Allows you to use a Google Maps embed code to easily embed any map directly from Google. Google Map Custom Allows you to build a custom Google Map with a wide range of options for customizing.........

Similar: 29%

Fusion : Extension - Image

The Image Element allows you to add an image from the media library. Included in the element are options to set the image size, resize for high resolution displays, style (default, rounded, circle, thumbnail), alignment, and link/label. Requires the core Fusion plugin....

Similar: 29%

Fusion : Extension - Blog

The Blog element displays a roll of all posts created on the site anywhere you place it. You can customize what gets displayed on the roll for each post; mix-and-match displaying one or all or a few of the following: Featured Image, Excerpt, Author, Date, Categories, and Tags. The element is pagina.........

Similar: 27%

Fusion : Extension - Sidebar

The Sidebar Element adds a sidebar to your page. Sidebars can be customized in the Appearance > Widgets area of the WordPress Dashboard. Will allow the selection of any sidebars defined in the active theme. Requires the core Fusion plugin....

Similar: 25%

Fusion : Extension - Comments

The Comments Element displays a field for users to input comments. The element uses the active theme's comments form/template and falls back to the default WordPress comments form/template. Requires the core Fusion plugin....

Similar: 25%

Responsive Accordion And Collapse

Responsive Accordion is highly customizable accordion builder for wordpress. You can add unlimited accordion and collapse with unlimited colour. Responsive Accordion also support Font Awesome Icon. You can easy sort your accordion position using backend. Responsive Accordion is built-in bootstrap....

Similar: 12%

Accordion Shortcode And Widget

This is a highly customizable accordion builder for wordpress. You can add unlimited accordion and collapse with unlimited colour. Accordion Shortcode And Widget also support Font Awesome Icon. You can easy sort your accordion position using backend. Accordion is built-in bootstrap. Accordion desig.........

Similar: 12%