Browser Update Ribbon

Puts a ribbon on the website if the user browser is older than expected.

Minimum browser versions are customizable in the Settings menu, along with the title and a custom link. Now you can set the position and the image of the ribbon. This plugin has full support for translation into other languages

For more informations:

This plugin uses the Browser detection library built by [Chris Schuld]

Browser Blocker

The Browser Blocker Plugin puts the power in your hands to control what browsers(versions) can access your website content and which ones cannot. For the browsers(versions) that you block, the user has control over the splash screen that their clients receive. There is a "simple" mode for those who .........

Similar: 71%

No More IE6

NoMoreIE6 This Word Press Plugin adds a browser dependent upgrade-message to the website header, explaining the risks of using IE6 and providing links with icons to upgrade to a recent browser. It only uses CSS conditions, no scripts. It's totally unobtrusive, and built with valid W3C code....

Similar: 70%

Mobile Theme Switch

Mobile Theme Switch allows to swap the active theme to another one, when your website is loaded on a mobile device. With Mobile Theme Switch plugin, you can select different themes dependent to the screen width, without having to activate the theme previously. "Mobile Theme Switch" will use the corr.........

Similar: 35%

Advanced Browser Check

This plugin requires PHP 5.3 or above This plugin give you the option to give a visitor of your site a warning popup if they use a browser that you don't support. For example, Internet Explorer 9 or lover. It supports the 5 largest and most popular browser on the market. Firefox Chrome Safari Op.........

Similar: 31%

Allow Mobile Plugin For Defa Protector

Requirement : Defa Protector Platinum 5.5 or upper version Allow your mobile user to play defa protector 5.5 or upper version video with just a simple of clicks. Function Suggest by Great WordPress User : ahmadi757, wcpl and wpmuidiot Caution: It can cause video download security leaks...

Similar: 28%

Mobile Device Detection by 51Degrees

The 51Degrees mobile device detection plugin is a complete pack to help mobilize your website and blog. It includes a mobile device detector and switcher to select themes based on the type of device visiting your website, a selection of mobile themes and an administration tool to allow easy, quick .........

Similar: 24%

Roost Web Push

Web Push by Roost allows websites to send notifications to their site visitors for updates about new posts. This plugin supports Chrome notifications and Safari for desktop. Plugin Features: Chrome Notifications - Use notifications in Chrome (desktop and Android) Safari Web Push - Take advantage .........

Similar: 19%

Browser Body Classes with Shortcodes

Adds browser-specific body classes for styling, and shortcodes to show or hide content to/from specified browsers and devices. As of v1.6, compatible with WordPress 3.9. As of v1.5, includes new body classes, including catch-alls like: desktop, handheld, mobile, and tablet. As of v1.4, includes Sh.........

Similar: 19%

The Welcomizer

Quickly create animations for your WordPress blog. Designed for webmasters, marketing consultants, web designers and bloggers. Demo page <- Basic examples Multisite friendly. ∞...

Similar: 13%

Video Share VOD

Key Features adds video post type to WordPress site extracts thumbnail, generates feature image extracts info: duration, resolution, bitrate, file size multiple playback methods playlist taxonomy, listing of videos with rest of posts in categories, tags, searches AJAX display and update of video l.........

Similar: 11%