
BruteProtect is no longer supported or under active development

In August of 2014, BruteProtect became a part of the Automattic family, and our technology has been integrated into Jetpack. Please upgrade to Jetpack to continue using BruteProtect.

Orbisius Limit Logins

This plugin logs and blocks IP address of users who try to login with known bad usernames such as admin, adm etc. The plugin intentionally hooks very early (plugins_loaded hook) in order to determine if the user should be blocked or not because that way WordPress doesn't have to waste resources if t.........

Similar: 59%

Orbisius Messenger

Allows users to send email messages to each other as long as they know their usernames....

Similar: 56%

CloudFlare Threat Management

CloudFlare Threat Management allows you to manage all banning, unbanning, and clearing of IP addresses at a CloudFlare level. CloudFlare Threat Management also intergrates with popular WordPress security plugins such as WordFence. Set up is easy. Enter the email which you use to login to CloudFlare.........

Similar: 28%

Botnet Attack Blocker

After the recent global distributed botnet attack on WordPress installations that took down servers and broke into admin accounts, I thought I'd write a plugin to prevent it happening again. Distributed botnet attacks can come from multiple IP addresses and locations at the same time, so convention.........

Similar: 25%

Project Force Field

Faison Zutavern, Jon Valcq, and Emma Edgar, from Orion Group LLC, bring superior Brute Force Attack protection to WordPress with their new plugin, Project Force Field. By tracking failed login attempts and taking advantage of Apache's mod_rewrite module, Project Force Field stops Brute Force Attacks.........

Similar: 15%

NinjaFirewall (WP Edition)

NinjaFirewall (WP Edition) is a true Web Application Firewall. Although it can be installed and configured just like a plugin, it is a stand-alone firewall that sits in front of WordPress. It allows any blog administrator to benefit from very advanced and powerful security features that usually are.........

Similar: 12%

WPSecureOps Brute Force Protect

The simplest yet free Brute Force plugin that will protect your WordPress site from any brute force password attacks. No coding skills required! Automatically protect your site from brute force password attacks to /wp-admin/ or any login form generated by WordPress...

Similar: 11%

WP Limit Login Attempts

Brute Force Attack aims at being the simplest kind of method to gain access to a site: it tries usernames and passwords, over and over again, until it gets in. This plugin limit rate of login attempts and block ip temporarily. It is detecting bots by captcha verification. Go to Settings > WP Lim.........

Similar: 7%

Limit Attempts Booster

Limit Attempts Booster was designed to manage the access to users website and provide bullet proof security to your website. With Limit Attempts Booster, you can limit users attempts to log in to your website and consequently, block the user for a certain period of time. Apart from that, Limit Att.........

Similar: 6%

BulletProof Security

BulletProof Security Feature Highlights One-Click Setup Wizard jQuery UI Dialog Form Uninstall Options: BPS Pro upgrade uninstallation or complete BPS plugin uninstallation .htaccess Website Security Protection (Firewalls) Login Security & Monitoring Idle Session Logout (ISL) Auth Cookie Expir.........

Similar: 4%