BuddyDev Username Availability Checker

BuddyDev Username availability checker for WordPress & BuddyPress checks for the username availability on new user registration screens. It assist users & site admins by notifying them using ajax whether the username they enterd is available or not.

Good Question

Simple plugin to prevent spam bots registration on your site. Allows you to create a unique question on the registration form, easy for humans, but not solvable for the bot. Displays simple choice questions on the registration form. User must select all the correct answers, if the user makes a mist.........

Similar: 50%

BuddyPress Security Check

This plugin will add a field to the BuddyPress registration form where the user will need to answer simple math sum before registering. This is an effort to prevent spam bots from registering on your site. The math sum will be composed of adding or subtracting two random numbers between 0 and 10 (in.........

Similar: 34%

BP Xtra Signup

This plugin lets you add a Terms of Service checkbox and, optionally, a Mailchimp signup checkbox to your BuddyPress registration page. Additionally, an ajax username availability check, a password strength meter, email check and date of birth check can be activated....

Similar: 30%

Ban Hammer

We've all had this problem. A group of spammers from mail.ru are registering to your blog, but you want to keep registration open. How do you kill the spammers without bothering your clientele? While you could edit your functions.php and block the domain, once you get past a few bad eggs, you hav.........

Similar: 29%

WPMU Theme Select

Let the wpmu users select a theme when registering. This plugin should also work with buddypress extended WPMUs. By default the number of themes (screenshots) per line and the number of rows is set to 3. You can simply change it in the .php where it can be found: $n_per_line=3; $n_rows=3; Note: Thi.........

Similar: 29%

Restrict Usernames

This plugin allows you to restrict the usernames that new users may use when registering for your site. If open registration is enabled for your site (via Settings -> General -> Membership ("Anyone can register")), WordPress allows visitors to register for an account on your blog. By default,.........

Similar: 28%

WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam

An exceptionally powerful and user-friendly WordPress anti-spam plugin that eliminates comment spam, trackback spam, contact form spam & registration spam....

Similar: 3%

AS login

Create your own custom login page use this Plugin. Customize your login page as you choice. Plugin Features !!!!! 1.Easy to use. 2.Plugin on/off. 3.Change Logo Link. 4.Change Logo Width. 5.Unlimited custom logo. 6.Unlimited color. 7.Change Login box width. 8.Change text color and many more....

Similar: 3%

As Nice Scroll

As nice scroll is a jquery plugin for WordPress site. This plugin will create a nice scrollbar for your site. After installing and Activating the plugin, go to WordPress Admin Dahsbord and then go to Appearance > As option Here you can customize default settings. So customize settings as you choi.........

Similar: 3%

As woocomerce with owl carousel

As woocommerce with owl carousel is a jquery plugin for WordPress site. This plugin will create a nice carousel for your site. After installing and Activating the plugin, go to WordPress Admin Dahsbord and then go to Appearance > As option Here you can create Shortcode and publish a carousel .........

Similar: 2%