BuddyPress Live Notification

BuddyPress Live Notification adds a Facebook Like real-time notification for user.

BuddyPress Notification Widget

BuddyPress notification widget allow site admins to show BuddyPress user notification in widget....

Similar: 50%


English: This Plugin adds a sidebar widget with the latest notifications for a BuddyPress user. German: Dieses BuddyPress-Plugin erstellt ein Sidebar-Widget, welches die Benachrichtigungen für angemeldete BuddyPress-User ausgibt....

Similar: 50%

uuHello Search Integration on BuddyPress

uuHello is a Vertical search engine. expert at Travel, Live, Shopping and e-Commerce domain. uuHello Search Integration on BuddyPress(http://usi.uuhello.com/) is a Plugin to help you integration Vertical Search function to your community. include: Business Search Travel Search Live Search Shoppin.........

Similar: 25%

BP Schedule Notifications by Ask Oracle

The plugin send buddpress notification as per data stored for future predictions by ask orale....

Similar: 25%

BP Unsubscribe

The plugin already added unsubscribe link added to the email send by activity notification emails, message notification emails, group notification emails. Any user can unsubscribe email notification by one click only. Shotcode :: [az_unsubscribe_emails] [az_unsubscribe_emails user_id=100] -- You.........

Similar: 25%

Group Forum Subscripton for BuddyPress

** Use of this plugin is not recommended in versions of BuddyPress 1.2 and higher. Please consider using BuddyPress Group Activity Notifications instead: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress-group-activity-stream-subscription/. A conversion script for converting subscription data from this.........

Similar: 25%

BuddyPress Group Email Subscription

This powerful plugin allows users to receive email notifications of group activity. Weekly or daily digests are available. Each user can choose how they want to subscribe to their groups. EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION LEVELS There are 5 levels of email subscription options: No Email - Read this group on t.........

Similar: 15%

BuddyPress Activity Stream Bar

Adds a static bar at the bottom of every page of your website. Which displays the latest 20 BuddyPress Activities and rotates threw them. This way all your members/visitors can see at a glance all the latest activity on your website! There are also buttons so you can go forward and back in the act.........

Similar: 14%

BuddyPress Edit Activity

Let your BuddyPress members edit their activity posts and replies on the front-end of the site. You can even set a time limit for how long activity posts should remain editable. Just activate the plugin, and every activity post and reply will become editable, styled automatically by BuddyPress to f.........

Similar: 14%

BuddyPress Global Search

Let your members search through every BuddyPress component, along with pages and posts and custom post types of your choice, all in one unified search bar with a live dropdown of results. Just activate the plugin, and every WordPress search input will instantly search your entire BuddyPress site, r.........

Similar: 13%